Headlines 15/08/2019 08:44 SA

04 Circulars coming into effect from mid-August 2019

Quỳnh Như

THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT would like to introduce 04 Circulars coming into effect from Mid-August 2019 (from August 11 to 20, 2019):

1. Guidance on calculation of retirement pensions of officials from July 1, 2019

This is an notable content in Circular 10/2019/TT-BLDTBXH providing guidance on adjustment in retirement pensions, social insurance allowances and monthly allowances applied to entities specified in Clauses 1, 2, 3 and 8 Article 1 of Decree No.44/2019/ND-CP.

According to the Circular, starting from July 1, 2019, retirement pensions, social insurance allowances and monthly allowances (total payment) of officials shall increase by 7.19% compared to the total payment of June 2019, to be specific:

Payment from July 2019 = Payment of June 2019 x 1,0719

Circular 10/2019/TT-BLDTBXH takes effect from August 15, 2019; the above-mentioned regimes shall be implemented from July 1, 2019.

2. 56 legal documents on construction to be abolished from August 15, 2019

On June 28, 2019, Ministry of Construction promulgated Circular 01/2019/TT-BXD annulling 56 legal documents promulgated by Minister of Construction. For instance:

- Circular 16/2000/TT-BXD provides guidelines for construction management of foreign investment activities and management of foreign contractors undertaking the construction or consultancy on construction of projects in Vietnam.

- Circular 06/2006/TT-BXD provides guidelines for geotechnical survey for location selection and construction design.

- Circular 11/2013/TT-BXD provides guidelines for reporting progress of construction investment and real estate projects.

Circular 01/2019/TT-BXD takes effect from August 15, 2019.

3. Salary reform to be continued in 2020

Circular 38/2019/TT-BTC provides guidelines for ministries and central authorities to make estimates of sources of salary reform in 2020 as below:

+10% of the recurrent expenditure estimate (except salaries, salary-based allowances, salary-like amounts and other benefits);

+ A part of retainable revenues and remaining fund for salary reform of previous years.

Besides, local authorities shall:

+ Save 10% of the recurrent expenditure (except salaries, salary-based allowances, salary-like amounts and other benefits);

+ Save a part of the retainable revenues and a part of the sources of the increases in local government budget revenues (excluding land levies and lottery activities);

+ Save the funding from reduction of support for regular activities in the administrative field and public service providers according to regulations and save the remaining fund for salary reform in the previous years (if any).

Circular 38/2019/TT-BTC takes effect from August 12, 2019.

4. Quotas for import of rice from Cambodia in 2019

According to Circular 08/2019/TT-BCT the total amount of import quotas on rice from Cambodia in 2019 is 300,000 tonnes (2kg of paddies = 1kg of rice).

This quota is applied to declarations registered with customs authorities from February 26, 2019 to the end of December 31, 2019.

 To enjoy special preferential import duty rates, imported rice shall:

- Have C/O form S issued by the Cambodia's Ministry of Commerce or an authorized authority in accordance with Cambodian regulations;

- Complete import customs procedures at border checkpoints in accordance with Appendix 2 enclosed herewith.

Circular 08/2019/TT-BCT comes into force from August 12, 2019 until the end of December 31, 2020.



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