Headlines 01/07/2019 17:09 CH

The 06 Laws that will come into force from July 01, 2019

Ngọc Duy

THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT would like to introduce the 06 Laws that will come into force from July 01, 2019:

1. Every official must declare their income and asset

The Law on Anti-Corruption in 2018 specifies that every official must declare their income and assets (previously only a certain types of officials are required to declare).

If the declaration is dishonest, depending on the nature and seriousness of the violations, the officials will be disciplined by warnings, dismissal or discharge…

In addition, the following persons must also declare their income and assets, some primary examples are:

- Officers of The People's Public Security, officers of The People's Army, professional servicemen;

- Candidates for the National Assembly and the People’s Council;

2. University teaching assistants no longer need Master's degree

This is one of the notable features in the amendment of the Law on Higher Education in 2018. To be specific:

The minimum degree level for university lecturers is the Master's degree except for the teaching assistants (previously required for teaching assistants).

The lecturers teaching at Master or Doctoral level must have the Doctorate; universities must prioritize employing lecturers with the Doctorate.

This Law also requires universities to publish admission information, education expenses, tuition fees, etc. for the entire course, for each school year on their websites.

3. The People's Public Security Force duty period is down to 02 years

This new notable feature is specified in the Law on People’s public security forces in 2018. To be specific:

Annually, the People’s Public Security conscripts citizens who are at the service age into the People’s Public Security for 24 months (with the current period is 36 months).

The Minister of Public Security decides to prolong the service period of non-commissioned officers, enlisted members but no longer than 06 months if they are:

-  Preparing for combat;

- On the mission to prevent and control natural disasters, diseases, etc.

4. Leniency towards enterprises violating the competition law

The Competition Law 2018 specifies the leniency policy towards enterprises violating the regulations on competition. To be specific:

The enterprises who voluntarily testify so as to assist the National Competition Commission in detecting, investigating, taking actions against the prohibited anti-competitive agreements will be exempt from liability or  receive a more lenient penalty according to the leniency policy.

This policy applies to the first 03 enterprises that satisfy the requirements and apply for leniency.

5. The coast guards are allowed to pursue ships that trespass on the territory of Vietnam

This notable feature is specified in the Law on the Vietnam Coast Guard 2018. To be specific:

The Vietnam Coast Guards exercise the right to pursue another ship in the following cases:

-  That ship violates against the national sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction;

-  That ship fails to comply with signals, commands to stop the ships of the Vietnam Coast Guards in cases specified by regulations and law;

- International cooperation in pursuit; etc.

The scope, the power and the process of pursuing ships shall following the regulations and law of Vietnam and the international agreement to which The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory.

6. 06 cases of ineligibility for pardon

According to the Law on Pardon 2018, even those who are eligible for pardon will not be pardoned if:

- They receive imprisonment sentence for one of the 16 crimes specified in this Law;

- The whole or part of the judgements or judicial decisions against them is being appealed according to the reopening, cassation review towards more severe criminal liability;

- They are being prosecuted for another crime;

- They were previously granted pardon;

- They have 2 or more previous criminal convictions;

- Other cases determined by The President.



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