Headlines 12/06/2019 14:27 CH

Notable policies coming into force from the middle of June, 2019

Quỳnh Như

THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT would like to introduce 04 notable policies that are coming into force from the middle of June, 2019 (June 11 – 20, 2019), including:

1. Documents required when importing used machinery and equipment

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 18/2019/QD-TTg an enterprise that wishes to import the used machinery and/or equipment is required to submit the following documents in addition to the import documents prescribed in the Law on customs, including:

- The copy of Certificate of enterprise registration bearing the enterprise’s seal.

- The import entrustment agreement (in case of entrusted import).

- The original of the manufacturer’s certification that the year of production and manufacturing standards applied to the used machinery or equipment are conformable with import criteria (if the machinery or equipment to be imported has been manufactured in any G7 countries or Korea);

Such certification must bear the consular legalization and is accompanied by its Vietnamese translation.

- The inspection certificate issued by a designated body in the following cases:

+ The machinery or equipment to be imported has been manufactured in any G7 countries or Korea without the manufacturer's certification; or

+ The machinery or equipment to be imported has been manufactured in a country other than G7 countries or Korea.

The Decision No. 18/2019/QD-TTg is coming into force from June 15, 2019.

2. Qualification requirements for equipment and lab technicians in high schools

This is a notable content of the Circular No. 08/2019/TT-BGDDT prescribing code, job title-based standards and salary of equipment and lab technicians in public special schools and high schools.

According to this Circular, an equipment and lab technician working in a high school must possess:

-  an associate degree or higher degree in educational equipment technology (or in another training discipline relevant to the job position);

-  a certificate of level-1 foreign language proficiency as defined in the Circular No. 01/2014/TT-BGDDT dated January 24, 2014 or certificate of completion of training course in minority language if working in areas where the minority language is used;

-  an IT certificate satisfying basic IT skill standards; and

- certificate of completion of training course for equipment and lab technicians.

The Circular No. 08/2019/TT-BGDDT is coming into force as of June 17, 2019.

3. Athletes may be exceptionally considered to pass lower/upper secondary school finals

On April 29, 2019, the Government has promulgated the Decree No. 36/2019/ND-CP providing guidance on implementation of the Law on amendments to the Law on physical training and sports.

According to this Decree, an athlete may be exceptionally considered to pass the lower or upper secondary school finals if he/she meets both of the following requirements:

- He/she has gained outstanding achievements in national or international sports tournaments; and

- He/she is attending training courses abroad or participating in international sports tournaments when final exams take place.

The Decree No. 36/2019/ND-CP is coming into force as from June 14, 2019.

4. List of road transport infrastructure assets

The Decree No. 33/2019/ND-CP defines road transport infrastructure assets (including land attached to assets), consisting of:

- Roads and auxiliary works attached thereto;

- Road bridges and auxiliary works attached thereto;

- Road tunnels and auxiliary works attached thereto;

- Ferry terminals and auxiliary works attached thereto; floating bridges and auxiliary works attached thereto;

- Weigh stations;

- Tollbooths;

- Bus stations;

- Parking lots;

- Road administration offices;

- Rest stops;

- Material reserves stores;

- ITS (Intelligent transport system) centers;

- Land for road safety corridor for which compensation and land clearance issues have been settled;

- Road traffic search and rescue centers;

- Other works serving road transport as defined in regulations of law on road traffic.

The Decree No. 33/2019/ND-CP is coming into force as from June 17, 2019.



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