1. Denunciations to be made public
This is one of the provisions of the Government's Decree No. 31/2019/NĐ-CP which elaborate some Articles of the Law on Denunciation.
According to the Decree, the content of every denunciation (except state secrets and personal information about the denouncer) shall either:
- Announced during a meeting at the organization for which the denounced party or the denunciation handler is working, etc.
- Posted at the office of the denunciation handler or the reception area thereof;
- Published on a website or internal information network of the handling authority for at least 15 consecutive days; or
- Published through mass media (newspaper, audio news, video news, online news) and a website.
Decree No. 31/2019/NĐ-CP comes into force from May 28, 2019.
2. Benefits for trainers under technology transfer schemes of the Ministry of Health
On May 08, 2019, the Minister of Health issued Decision No. 1718/QĐ-BYT to approves the Scheme for enhancement of training, technology transfer and improvement of capacity of health workers of communes during 2019 – 2025”.
According to the Decision, a trainer defined therein will receive the following benefits:
- Salary and allowances as regulated.
- Extra income, bonus (if any).
- Payment for compilation of training materials; payment for public speaking during the technology transfer period according to regulations on provision of training for officials and public employees.
- Travel allowances according to applicable regulations of the State on travel allowances and meeting expense.
Decision No. 1718/QĐ-BYT comes into force from May 23, 2019.
3. List of contract packages eligible for special contractor selection methods
The Government has just promulgated Decision No. 17/2019/QĐ-TTg on certain contract packages and purchases serving regular operation that are eligible for special contractor selection methods.
According to the Decision, there are 21 types of contracts eligible for special contractor selection methods mentioned in Article 26 of the Law on Bidding. For instance:
- Contracts for provision of professional training for officials;
- Contracts for urgent delivery of national reserve goods serving emergency aid;
- Contracts for organization of special art performances serving political purposes requested by the Communist Party and the State;
- Any contract whose value does not exceed VND 50.000.000; etc.
Decree No. 17/2019/QĐ-TTg comes into force from May 22, 2019.
4. List of mandatory equipment for teaching first grade maths
The Minister of Education and Training just issued Circular No. 05/2019/TT-BGDĐT on the List of mandatory teaching equipment for the first grade
According to the Circular, the below are mandatory equipment for teaching first grade maths:
Each student shall have:
- 01 kit for learning numbers and number comparison;
- 01 kit for learning basic arithmetic operations;
- 01 kit for learning 2D and 3D shapes.
Each teacher shall have 01 clock model in the class.
The Circular also contains the lists of mandatory equipment for teaching first grade Vietnamese language, Nature and Society, Music, Fine Arts, etc.
Decree No. 05/2019/TT-BGDĐT comes into force from May 21, 2019.