Headlines 04/05/2019 09:30 SA

Decrees coming into force from the beginning of May 2019

Kiều Nga

THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT would like to introduce the following Decrees that come into force from the beginning of May 2019 (from May 1st to 5th, 2019):

1. New regulations on outsourcing services

This is a remarkable of Decree No.29/2019/ND-CP providing guidelines for Clause 3 Article 54 of the Labor Code regarding licensing outsourcing services, deposit payment and list of permissible outsourced jobs. 

 Below are some new regulations on outsourcing services:

- Changing the effective period of the license for outsourcing services (hereinafter referred to as “the license”). To be specific:

+ The effective period of a license is now up to 60 months (36 months as previously regulated in Decree No.55/2013/ND-CP dated May 22, 2013). 

+ A license may be renewed multiple times for up to 60-month period each time (up to 2 times for up to 24-month period each as previously regulated). 

- Legal capital and location of the headquarters, branches and representative of the applying enterprise are no longer conditions for licensing.

- Adding 3 jobs to the list of outsourced jobs, including:

+ Management, operation and maintenance of and service in marine ships;

+ Management, supervision, operation, repair, maintenance of and service in oil platform;

+ Aircraft piloting, serving on aircrafts/maintenance and repair of aircraft and equipment thereof/flight dispatch/flight control.

- Outsource service providers shall post up the original license at their headquarters instead of its copy as previously regulated in Article 11 of Circular No.01/2014/TT-BLDTBXH dated January 08, 2014. 

Decree No.29/2019/ND-CP comes into force from May 05, 2019.

2. Applying the law on denunciation and settling denunciations of People's Army

Decree No.28/2019/ND-CP on denunciation and settlement of denunciations of People's Army is issued by the Government, which comes into force from May 05, 2019.

According to the Decree, law provisions on denunciation and settlement thereof shall be applied as follows:

- Regulations on denunciation and settlement of denunciations of People’s Army shall be enforce as prescribed in Article 3 of the Law on Denunciation 2018.

- Denunciations of violations against the law committed by the reserve army force when performing duties during the training/exercise or inspection of readiness for mobilization/fighting shall be made as specified in the Law on Denunciation and this Decree.

- Regulations on denunciation and settlement of denunciations of People’s Army not mentioned in this Decree shall be enforced in conformity with the Law on Denunciation and guiding documents thereof.

3. Changes in applications for a topography and cartography license

According to Decree No.27/2019/ND-CP providing guidelines for the Law on Topography and Cartography, the application for a topography and cartography license of domestic enterprises from May 01, 2019 will include:

- An application form or a file containing the application form for a topography and cartography license (Form No.10 provided in Appendix I issued together with this Decree);

- A physical or digital copy of the original decision on functions or duties of the enterprise or the enterprise registration certificate;

- A physical or digital copy of the original of the university degree in topography and cartography or higher;

- A physical or digital copy of the declaration of working process of the technician (Form No.12 provided in Appendix I issued together with this Decree) or Level I topography and cartography practicing certificate;

- Labor contract or decision on recruitment or appointment of the technician;

- A physical or digital copy of the original of topography and cartography degrees or certificates, labor contracts or recruitment decisions given to topographic and cartographic technicians;

- A physical or digital copy of the original invoice or documents proving rights to own or use measurement instruments, equipment, software and technology used in topography and cartography.



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