Headlines 25/02/2019 08:20 SA

Authorized signatories of test result reports must hold at least undergraduate degrees

Thanh Vân

This is the highlight of the Circular No. 49/2018/TT-BYT providing instructions on medical tests.

According to the Circular, heads of laboratory departments will directly sign or assign laboratory physicians and technicians holding at least undergraduate degrees to be eligible for signing on test result reports in accordance with regulations in force.   

As for laboratory departments conducting pre-surgical tests, in addition to duties prescribed in clause 1 through clause 12 of Article 11 in this Circular, they must take on the following duties:

- Conduct and carry out pre-surgical pathology tests and cytology tests;

- Carry out post-mortem examinations and microbody tests in accordance with laws on handling of deceased patients;

- Safekeep blood films post-surgical pathology specimens in accordance with regulations in force; provide post-surgical documents upon the request of heads of laboratory departments;

- Appoint and assign staff members to carry out autopsies and read test results.

The Circular No. 49/2018/TT-BYT will take effect on March 15, 2019.



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