Headlines 14/01/2019 08:16 SA

08 notable policies coming into force from the middle of January 2019

Kiều Nga

Continued from “Finance and banking policies coming into force from the middle of January 2019”, THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT would like to introduce the following policies:

5. Cases of rejection of severance package for public employees

This is a new regulation in Decree No. 161/2018/NĐ-CP which amends some regulations on recruitment and promotion of officials and public employees.

According to the Decree, a public employee will not be offered the severance package in the following cases:

- A competent authority has accepted to reassign him/her to another organization or unit in the political system;

- He/she has received a retirement decision or is laid off under a public layoff plan as prescribed by law.

The Decree comes into force from January 15, 2019.

6. 2019’s prices for medical services covered by health insurance

Circular No. 39/2018/TT-BYT which comes into force from January 15, 2019, provides for prices for medical services covered by health insurance in hospitals of the same classes nationwide, instructions for pricing of and payment for medical services in some cases.

According to the Circular, the 2019’s prices for medical examination have changed as follows:

- For Special-class and Class I hospitals: 37.000 VND/time (increased by 3.900 VND);

- For Class II hospitals: 33.000 VND/time (increased by 3.400 VND);

- For Class III hospitals: 29.000 VND/time (increased by 2.800 VND);

- For Class IV hospitals and medical stations of communes: 26.000 VND/time (increased by 2.700 VND);

- Consultation in complicated cases (only applied when external experts are invited to the consultation): 200.000 VND/case/expert (unchanged).

Note: The prices above are inclusive of direct costs and salaries.

7. Fine up to 10 million VND for flight disruption

This is mentioned in Decree No. 162/2018/NĐ-CP on administrative penalties for civil aviation offences.

According to the Decree, a fine of 7 – 10 million VND (previously 5 - 10 million VND) will be imposed for disrupting, inciting or persuading other people to cause disruption aboard an aircraft but the act is not serious enough to initiate a criminal prosecution.

The fines mentioned above will also be imposed for the following actions if they are not serious enough to initiate a criminal prosecution:

- Using rude gestures and/or words to provoke, tease or insult aviation staff or passengers aboard an aircraft;

- Hiring, persuading or inciting other people to fight each other aboard an aircraft;

- Taking dangerous articles or substances into restricted areas of an airport or aerodrome against regulations;

- Grating permission to take persons or objects into the cockpit against regulations.

The Decree comes into force from January 15, 2019 and replaces Decree No. 147/2013/NĐ-CP Dated October 30, 2013.

8. Standards for lecturers of high-quality programs at college level

According to Circular No. 21/2018/TT-BLĐTBXH lecturers of high-quality programs at college level shall satisfy the following requirements:

- Fully meet academic and professional pedagogical standards of specific disciplines or specialties in accordance with applicable regulations.

- Lecturers delivering lectures on basic knowledge and professional subjects must hold at least bachelor’s degrees appropriate for disciplines or specialties that they are involved.

- Lecturers acting as instructors and delivering lectures in laboratory or practice classes must have at least 3 years’ hands-on experience of disciplines and specialties.

- Lecturers delivering foreign language lectures in high-quality education and training programs must attain at least 4/6 foreign language competency level in the Foreign Language Proficiency Framework of Vietnam or equivalent.

The Circular comes into force from January 15, 2019.



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