Headlines 02/01/2019 14:14 CH

Instructions for application documents for benefits granted to meritorious people living overseas are adopted

Hồng Thuận

The Ministry of National Defense has issued the Circular No. 170/2018/TT-BQP providing guidance on the Decree No. 102/2018/ND-CP on support policies for Vietnamese people rendering meritorious services to the revolution and people in revolutionary wars, who are leaving overseas.

The Circular provides instructions for accepted original documents included in the documentation of persons who are recognized to be eligible for policies which are suspended due to the national border planning, including the following documents:

- Decision on monthly subsidies or benefits paid to revolutionary activists on duty before January 1, 1945; revolutionary activists on duty from January 1, 1945 to the August Revolution date in 1945;

- Decision on bestowal of titles, Decision on monthly subsidies or benefits paid to Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, Heroes of People’s Armed Forces or Warfare Labor Heroes;

- Decision on monthly subsidies paid to revolutionary activists, persons engaging in wars who were imprisoned by enemies, or persons supporting the revolution;

- Decision on granting certificates of recognition to martyr’s families and monthly subsidies to martyr’s relatives;

- Decision on granting certificates of recognition o war invalids or persons entitled to policies like war invalids and monthly disability benefits; 

- Decision on granting certificates of recognition to sick soldiers and monthly subsidies or benefits;

- Decision on subsidies paid to partisans infected with poisonous chemicals;

- Excerpt of the application documentation for entitlement to monthly subsidies or the document stating endorsement given by a competent authority or the book recording receipt of monthly subsidies.

The Circular No. 170/2018/TT-BQP will take effect on January 30, 2019.



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