1. Specification of names of all household’s members in certificates of land use right from December 05, 2017
This noticeable regulation is prescribed in the Circular No. 33/2017/TT-BTNMT on amendments to certain regulations providing guideline for Law on land.
According to the Circular, the certificate of land use right issued to a household shall contain:
- Name of land user: a household which includes [name of the head of household] instead of a household of [name of the head of household] as prescribed by applicable regulations.
- Full name, date of birth, name and number of identity document of the head of household and permanent address of the household.
- The next sentence shall specify that the head of the household shall use land and own property on land (or use land or own property on land) together with other members of the household who have the land use right and ownership of property on land (specify their full names, date of birth, names and numbers of their identity documents)
- If the head of household fails to have the land use right, another member who has such right will be the representative of the household.
2. Announcement of basic packages of health services which are applied from November 01, 2017
The Circular No. 39/2017/TT-BYT on basic packages of health services applied to grassroots health facilities is promulgated by the Ministry of Health on October 18, 2017.
According to the Circular, basic packages of health services include the basic package of health services covered by health insurance fund and the basic package of health services for initial health care, preventive and health improvement purposes. To be specific:
- The basic package of health services covered by health insurance fund applied to medical stations of communes and equivalents, family medicine clinics, military-civilian medical stations and military–civilian clinics includes 76 techniques for medical examination and treatment and 241 types of medicines used by health facilities of communes;
- The basic package of health services for initial health care, preventive and health improvement purposes applied to medical centers of districts and medical stations of communes includes the following essential services:
+ Services of health consultancy, communication, education and improvement such as regimen, relaxing physical training, etc.
+ Infectious diseases prevention and control services
+ School health services, etc
The Circular No. 39/2017/TT-BYT is coming into force from December 01, 2017.
3. Adjustment to period of pay raise applicable to cipher officers
This noticeable regulation is provided by the Circular No. 07/2017/TT-BNV which is coming into force from December 01, 2017 on salary method for employees of cipher organizations whose salaries and allowances are paid by the state budget.
According to the Circular, period of increase in cipher officers’ ranks together with their salary coefficient shall be adjusted as follows:
- The period of increase from rank 8 with the salary coefficient of 8.00 to rank 9 with the salary coefficient of 8.60 is 4 years (currently, this period is not determined);
- The period of increase from rank 9 with the salary coefficient of 8.60 to rank 10 with the salary coefficient of 9.20 is 4 years (currently, there is no salary coefficient of rank 10);
Regulations on periods of successive increase from rank 1 to rank 7 are remained.
The Circular No. 07/2017/TT-BNV supersedes the Joint Circular No. 24/2005/TTLT-BNV-BTC dated February, 18, 2005
4. New specimens of records and decisions on penalties for administrative violations related to road and railway traffic
The Circular No. 37/2017/TT-BGTVT on specimens of records and decisions on penalties for administrative violations related to road and railway traffic supersedes the Circular No. 05/2014/TT-BGTVT dated March 31, 2014
According to the Circular, certain new specimens of records and decisions on penalties for administrative violations related to road and railway traffic are issued. To be specific:
- Decision on suspending the decision on penalties for administrative violations related to road and railway traffic;
- Decision on terminating the suspension of decision on penalties for administrative violations;
- Decision on assigning the right to impose penalties for administrative violations;
- Record on verifying cases of administrative violations;
- Record on sealing material evidences and vehicles related to cases of administrative violations that are temporarily kept under administrative procedures, etc
The Circular No. 37/2017/TT-BGTVT is coming into force from November 01, 2017.