1. Guidance on calculation of benefits for soldiers who take early retirement
This guidance is provided in the Circular No. 162/2017/TT-BQP guiding the Decree No. 151/2016/ND-CP detailing and guiding certain policies and benefits of the Law on professional servicemen and women, national defense workers and officials.
Pursuant to regulations in the Circular, soldiers who are eligible to take early retirement shall receive unchanged pensions as regulated and the following benefits in addition to the social insurance benefits and preferential treatments for people with meritorious services (if any).
- One-time benefit for number of years of early retirement = number of years of early retirement x 03 months x average monthly salary.
- The benefit for the soldier’s first twenty years of service, which is equal to total salary amount of 05 months; as from the twenty-first year, the soldier shall receive the benefit which is equal to a half of his/her salary of one month for every year of service and calculated by adopting the following formula:
Benefit for number of years of service = {5 months + [(total years of service – 20 years) x 1/2 month]} x average monthly salary
The Circular No. 162/2017/TT-BQP is coming into force as from August 25, 2017 and policies and benefits provided for in this Circular shall be applied as from July 01, 2016.
2. Reduction of compulsory teaching periods of part-time teachers
The Circular No. 16/2017/TT-BGDDT guiding the list of job positions and payroll of public upper secondary schools comes into force as from August 28, 2017.
According to the Circular, in addition to the job positions part-time teachers take charge of which shall have their teaching periods reduced according to applicable regulations, the part-time teachers taking charge of the following job positions also have their teaching periods reduced:
- Teachers concurrently taking charge of academic affairs. To be specific:
+ A part-time teacher who works at a school having 28 or more classes in midland or plain region or in a city, or 19 or more classes in mountainous region, remote and isolated region or island, shall have 08 teaching periods reduced per week.
+ A part-time teacher who works at a school having 27 or fewer classes in midland or plain region or in a city, or 18 or fewer classes in mountainous region, remote and isolated region or island, shall have 04 teaching periods reduced per week.
- Teachers concurrently taking charge of giving advice to students.
- Teachers concurrently taking charge of scores-related issues.
The Circular No. 16/2017/TT-BGDDT supersedes the Joint Circular No. 35/2006/TTLT-BGDDT-BNV and the Circular No. 59/2008/TT-BGDDT.
3. New regulations on training and examination in inspection techniques
The Circular No. 09/2017/TT-BCT (which is coming into force as from August 31, 2017) providing for technical inspection of occupation safety within the competence of Ministry of Industry and Trade stipulates methods of training and examination as below:
- Individuals who meet all of requirements for inspectors prescribed in Article 7 of this Circular must attend and fulfill requirements of the initial training and examination.
- Inspectors holding expired certificates or having their certificates revoked must attend and fulfill requirements of retraining courses and pass the examination thereof.
- 30 months as from the issued date of certificate, inspectors shall attend improvement courses.
4. Increase of the statutory pay rate as of 2018
This regulation is provided in the Circular No. 71/2017/TT-BTC regarding guidance on formulation of state budget estimates in 2018 and the state budget – financial plans for a period of 03 years from 2018 to 2020.
According to the Circular, the implementation of mechanisms for creating funding sources for salary reform, especially increase of the statutory pay rate as regulated, shall be continued in 2018. To be specific:
- Based on the allocated state budget estimates, ministries and central-level agencies shall formulate plans for saving regular expenditures and raising non-business revenues so as to increase funding for implementing the salary reform policy.
- Local governments shall use the following sources of funding to implement the salary reform policy:
+ Continue saving 10% of regular expenditures.
+ 50% of increased amount of revenues of local-government budgets.
+ Administrative agencies or units that exercise the autonomy shall try to achieve an increase of revenues according to the prescribed roadmap and must sufficiently account into service charges, etc.
Detailed regulations are available in Clause 7 Article 11 of the Circular No. 71/2017/TT-BTC (which is coming into force as from August 25, 2017).