1. Deadline for updating information on public investment projects
Circular No. 13/2016/TT-BKHDT , in effect as of November 20, 2016, governs the online reporting regime and the management and operation of the System of data on investment supervision and assessment for state-funded investment projects.
The following information, upon ensuing or amended, has to be updated on the System of professional data on https://dautucong.mpi.gov.vn in no more than 7 working days:
- Approval of amendments to the project;
- Approval and revision to technical designs or construction drawings and estimates;
- Approval or revision to the planning or selection of contractors;
- Contracts and their amendments;
- Plans for funds granted;
- Amounts finalized and disbursed;
- Supervisory information and inspections.
The following information is subject to monthly update: On-site workload; images or video recordings of current site conditions of construction-included projects.
2. New guideline for formulating invitations to PPP bids
Circular No. 15/2016/TT-BKHDT , in effect as of November 15, 2016, provides the guideline on the preparation of invitations for prequalification and bid for investment projects under public-private partnership (PPP). Such guideline includes:
The promulgation of sample invitations for prequalification and bid (Sample 01 and Sample 02) for the selection of contracts for PPP investment projects of national importance or under category A and B after prequalification.
Such sample documents shall be utilized as follows:
The invitation for bid for a prequalification-excluded project under category C shall be formulated pursuant to Sample 02 with supplementary information on evaluation of investor’s capacity and experience as defined in Sample 01 if competent individuals use Sample 01 and 02 for prequalification document, invitations for prequalification and bid.
Sample 02 is applicable to projects undertaken by direct contracting. If direct contracting results from the availability of solely 01 capable investor, the evaluation of capacity and experience as defined in Sample 01 shall be added thereof.
3. Health hazard indicators in regard to marine pollution
Circular No. 26/2016/TT-BTNMT , in effect as of November 15, 2016, defines the norms and guideline for classifying regions at risk of marine pollution.
The norms on health hazard to human in offshore cells are defined below:
- Maritime routes, offshore oil rigs and zones where dredged material and sewage sludge are disposed: 4.0 lsk
- Zones for disposal of carbon dioxide (CO2), organic material of natural origin, inert geological material and inorganic material: 2.0 lsk
- Zones at risk of oil and chemical spill due to marine resource extraction activities; zones for disposal of waste from aquatic products or the processing of aquatic products: 3.0 lsk
- Zones for other activities in offshore cells: 0.1 lsk
4. State Bank's procedure for listing written guidelines on legislative documents
Circular No. 27/2016/TT-NHNN , in effect as of November 15, 2016, specifies Vietnam State Bank’s procedures for formulating and promulgating legislative documents.
The following procedure applies to the listing of the State Bank’s written explanations of laws and ordinances.
- In 05 working days upon the ratification of a law or ordinance, the Department of Legislation shall scrutinize and draft the list of explanatory documents defined in Point a and b, Section 1, Article 28, Decree No. 34/2016/ND-CP;
- Such draft shall specify primary preparers of such documents and be notified to relevant units of the State Bank for opinions.
- Units inquired shall be responsible for responding in writing in no more than 03 working days upon receiving such notification;
- In 20 days upon the ratification of the law or ordinance, the Department of Legislation analyzes opinions, completes and presents the list of explanatory documents to the Governor for signing and reporting to the Ministry of Justice.