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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 47/2014/TT-BTNMT

Hanoi, August 22, 2014




Pursuant to the Land Law dated November 29 of 2013.

Pursuant to Decree No. 12/2002/ND-CP dated January 22 of 2002 of the Government on survey and mapping;

Pursuant to Decree No. 21/2013/ND-CP dated April 3 of 2013 of the Government on functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structures of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment;

At request of Director of the Vietnam Department of Survey and Mapping, Director of Department of Science and Technology, Director of Department of Legal Affairs;

The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment promulgates Circular on technical regulations on administrative maps of all levels.

Chapter I




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Article 1. Scope

This Circular prescribes technical requirements in creation of administrative maps of all levels.

Article 2. Regulated entities

This Circular applies to survey and mapping authorities; domestic and foreign organizations, individuals relating to the formation, update, reprinting, use, and management of administrative maps of all levels.

Article 3. Definitions

In this Circular, the terms below are construed as follows:

1. Administrative map means thematic map indicating the separation and management of administrative divisions in accordance with regulations of the Vietnamese government.

2. Governmental administrative map consists of nationwide administrative maps of a minimum ratio of 1:3.500.000; provincial-level, district-level, other administrative level maps in territory atlas that fit page size of A3 or larger.

3. Other administrative map means nationwide administrative maps of a ratio below 1:3.500.000; provincial-level, district-level, other administrative level maps in territory atlas that fit page size below A3.




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5. Secondary map means a map or an illustration of a ratio higher or lower than that of the primary map; secondary map of a lower ratio serves to illustrate position of administrative units within the map; secondary map of a higher ratio serves to specify territory of administrative units within the map only when such details are not shown in primary map.

Article 4. Types of administrative maps of all levels

Administrative maps of all levels include:

1. Nationwide administrative maps are maps indicating the separation and management of provinces in Vietnamese territory including mainland, sea, island, and archipelagos.

2. Administrative maps of provinces and central-affiliated cities (hereinafter referred to as “provincial administrative maps”) are maps indicating the separation and management of districts in a province or central-affiliated city.

3. Administrative maps of districts, district-level cities (hereinafter referred to as “district administrative maps”) are maps indicating the separation and management of communes in a district, district-level city.

4. Nationwide administrative atlases are atlases that consist of provincial administrative maps of the same size in Vietnamese territory.

5. Provincial administrative atlases are atlases that consist of district administrative maps of the same size in provinces.

6. District administrative atlases are atlases that consist of commune administrative maps of the same size in districts.




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1. Nationwide administrative maps use conical projection grid with the following parameters: 2 standard parallels are 11o North latitude, 21o North latitude; prime meridian of 108o East longitude; base latitude of 4o North latitude.

2. Provincial and district administrative maps use the VN-2000 Frame of reference and National coordinate system: Global Ellipsoid WGS-84; semi-major axis of 6378137,0m; flattening of 1:298,257223563; transverse cylindrical grid of the same angle as 6-degree-wide wedge with scale factor k0 = 0,9996; prime meridian of each province and central-affiliated city is specified under Appendix 4 attached hereto; and Vietnam national elevation system.

3. Mathematical bases under Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article apply to the corresponding types of administrative maps in administrative atlases.

Article 6. Accuracy of administrative maps of all levels

1. Deviation of edge length ≤ 0,2 mm; diagonals ≤ 0,3 mm; distance between coordinate and corner of the map ≤ 0,2 mm relative to the theoretical value.

2. Deviation of real life locations

a) Deviation of locations of government coordinates ≤ 0,3 mm depending on scale;

b) Deviation of geographical features on the map relative to government coordinates: For plateau: ≤ 1,0 mm; for mountainous regions and highlands: ≤ 1,5 mm.

3. Where map symbols are positioned close together, for presentation purposes, it is permissible to move symbols indicating features of a lower accuracy so that spacing between symbols ≤ 0,3 mm.




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5. Elevation and depth reading is rounded to the nearest meter.

Article 7. Contents of administrative maps of all levels

Administrative maps of all levels consist of:

1. Elements of mathematical bases: frame lines; latitude and longitude grid; national coordinates and elevation; scale and scale indicator.

2. Specialized elements: National border and administrative division border.

3. Background geographical features: Hydrography; topography; socio-economics; traffic.

4. Other elements: Name of map; legends; population density table; secondary map; name of presiding authority; name of entity creating the map; name and origin of component documents; name of publishers and publishing director; copyright; year of publishing.

Article 8. Tasks involved in creation of administrative maps of all levels

1. Editing science.




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3. Developing digital author copy.

4. Editing and finalizing author copy.

5. Inspecting and commissioning.

6. Packing and submitting.

Article 9. Component documents of administrative maps of all levels

1. Primary documents

a) Administrative map of an administrative division is created on the basis of administrative division map in respective administrative division dossiers provided by competent authority;

b) Documents on national border provided by competent authority;

c) Background national geographic data, national topography map; land use database and map; cadastral database and map provided by competent authority;




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dd) List of international destinations; list of administrative destinations; list of residential, mountainous, hydrography, socio-economic destinations of provinces; list of beaches, islands, archipelagoes provided by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

2. Additional documents

a) Specialized documents on topography, hydrography, residential, traffic, socio-economic;

b) Statistical documents and other maps of the area relevant to the map to be created.

3. Documents must be up-to-date and having scale equal to or greater than that of the map to be created.

Article 10. Creating and reprinting administrative maps of all levels

1. Administrative maps are created when existing administrative divisions are subject to decisions on acquisition or separation of competent authority.

2. Existing administrative maps are reprinted when:

a) Administrative maps of all levels created by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment or provincial government must be reprinted with adjustment every 5 years;




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3. Administrative maps are reprinted without adjustment when such maps are required and their contents are relevant.

Chapter II



Article 11. Editing science

1. Editing science is implemented on the basis of research and on-site survey of map location; documents; dimensions, scale of maps, and regulations on competent authority.

2. Editing science consists of:

a) Identifying scale and layout;

b) Developing outline of science editing.




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4. Science editing must be approved by competent authority.

Article 12. Determining map scale

1. Nationwide governmental administrative maps come in scales of: 1:1.000.000, 1:1.500.000, 1:2.200.000, 1:3.500.000.

2. Provincial-level governmental administrative maps come in scales defined under Appendix 4 attached hereto.

3. District-level governmental administrative maps come in scales that fit paper size of A3, A2, A0, 2A0, 4A0 depending on use purpose and economic factors.

4. Scale of administrative maps and commune-level maps in nationwide, provincial-level, district-level governmental atlases must be able to accommodate geographical features within paper size of A4 or A3; scale of maps in administrative atlases must be consistent and easy to compare.

5. Scales of other administrative maps of all levels will be determined by use purpose.

6. Denominator of scale of administrative maps must be rounded to the nearest thousandth.

Article 13. Determining map layout




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a) Maps must be able to fully convey Vietnamese territory including mainland, islands, archipelagos; especially all islands and archipelagoes in their entirety according to regulations of competent authority;

b) Frame line is rectangular and displayed as shown under Appendix 1 attached hereto;

c) Maps must show Vietnamese territory from 102o - 118o meridian East; 04o 30’ - 23o 30’ parallel North;

d) Map name must be the full name: Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam (Socialist Republic of Vienam) and displayed above the north frame line;

dd) Map scale and scale indicator; name of presiding authority; name of entity creating the map; name and origin of component documents; name of publisher and publishing director; name of printing entity; information of publishing permit; copyright; publishing year must be displayed below the south frame line;

e) Legend is located outside of Vietnamese territory illustration;

g) Depending on use purpose, legends containing area, population, population density of provinces and central-affiliated cities and secondary map can be positioned outside of Vietnamese territory illustration;

h) Other information is reasonably positioned below the south frame line of the map.

2. Provincial-level, district-level governmental administrative maps




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b) Frame line is rectangular and displayed as shown under Appendices 5a and 5b attached hereto;

c) Map name must be the full name of provincial-level, district-level administrative division and located above or below the north frame line;

d) Maps are divided into grids which are numbered with natural number from north to south, east to west;

dd) Map scale and distance scaling; name of presiding authority; name of entity creating the map; name and origin of component documents; name of publisher and publishing director; name of printing entity; information of publishing permit; copyright; publishing year must be displayed below the south frame line;

e) Legend; secondary maps; legend containing area, population of provinces and district-level cities or legend containing area, population of district or secondary map are positioned outside of the main territory illustration;

g) Other information is positioned outside and below south frame line.

3. Governmental atlases

a) Governmental atlases must convey all required administrative divisions in their entirety and may include secondary maps, statistics tables to clarify specialized information that is not included in primary maps;

b) Arrangement of maps within governmental atlases must comply with the following principle: From general to specific; from higher levels to lower levels; from overview to specific; from higher parallel to lower parallel, from lower meridian to higher meridian;




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d) Structure of nationwide governmental atlases: Cover; secondary cover; publishing procedures; preface; table of content; symbol, nationwide administrative map; provincial-level administrative maps; list of administrative divisions, area, population of provincial-level and district-level administrative divisions; lookup table for locations included in the atlases;

dd) Structure of provincial-level governmental atlases: Cover; secondary cover; publishing procedures; preface; table of content; symbol, provincial-level administrative maps; district-level administrative maps; list of administrative divisions, area, population of district-level and commune-level administrative divisions;

e) Structure of district-level governmental atlases: Cover; secondary cover; publishing procedures; preface; table of content; symbol; commune-level maps, list of administrative destinations, area and population of commune-level administrative divisions; lookup table for locations included in the atlases;

4. Other administrative maps

Depending on use purpose and type of administrative maps, appropriate structure and composition will be decided while maintaining territorial integrity and regulation under Points a, b, and c Clauses 1, 2, and 3 of this Article.

Article 14. Developing editing science outline

1. Editing science outline is implemented on the basis of research and on-site survey of map location; documents; dimensions, scale of maps, and regulations on competent authority.

2. Editing science outline consists of:

a) Objectives, requirements;




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c) Documents and use instructions;

d) Composition and contents;

dd) Technological solutions used for map creation.

3. Science editing outline must be approved by competent authority.


Article 15. Technical editing

1. Technical editing is developed on the basis of studying details and technical requirements under approved science editing.

2. Technical editing consists of:

a) Document collection and evaluation;




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c) Design of symbol library and layering of contents.

Article 16. Document collection and evaluation

1. Collect documents in accordance with approved science editing outline.

2. Evaluate appropriate solutions in accordance with science editing outline.

Article 17. Development of detail editing plan

1. Detail editing plan serves to guide editing of contents and presentation of each map on the basis of regulations of science editing outline.

2. Detail editing plan consists of:

a) Solutions for handling, using existing documents;

b) Identification of missing documents or information that need to be collected and additional on-site inspection;




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Article 18. Design of symbol library and layering of contents

1. Design of symbol library must meet requirements below:

a) Symbols are designed during editing phase of map creation;

b) Symbols must adhere to samples under Appendices 2, 3, 6, and 7 attached hereto;

c) In respect of details that are not specified under Appendices 2, 3, 6, and 7 attached hereto, design additional symbols. Additionally designed symbols must meet aesthetic and consistency requirements according to Appendices 2, 3, 6, and 7 attached hereto.

2. Design of symbol library, layering of contents, storage folders must be adequate, logical, and convenient in editing, data searching, and suitable for map creation editing.

3. Symbol library and layering of contents for development of digital author copies of governmental administrative maps must conform to technical standards promulgated by competent authority. This technical standard is encouraged for application to other administrative maps.


Article 19. Development of digital author copy




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1. Document preparation.

2. Mathematical basis development.

3. Content editing.

4. On-site inspection.

5. Inspection result update.

6. Digital author copy standardization.

Article 20. Document preparation

1. Study technical editing and relevant documents.

2. Prepare documents, database, and software required.




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4. Create backup folders.

Article 21. Mathematical basis development

1. Nationwide governmental administrative map

a) Frame line: East and West frame lines are parallel to the prime meridian whereas the North and South frame lines are perpendicular to the prime meridian;

b) Maps are divided into grids which are numbered with natural number from north to south, west to east;

c) Nationwide governmental administrative maps shall cover 2 degrees of longitude and 20 degrees of latitude regardless of scale;

d) 2 to 4 national coordinates and elevation points are included in a geographical region of the map; these coordinates and elevation points can be left out in nationwide administrative maps of 1:3.500.000 scale;

dd) Specify scale and scale indicator of maps.

2. Provincial-level, district-level governmental administrative maps




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b) Maps are divided into grids which are numbered with natural number from north to south, west to east;

c) Longitude to latitude density of provincial-level, district-level governmental administrative maps is specified under Schedule 1:

Schedule 1

Map scale

Longitude to latitude density

1:2.000 - 1:5.000

2′ x 2′

1:6.000 - 1:25.000

5′ x 5′




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10′ x 10′

1:81.000 - 1:150.000

20′ x 20′

d) 2 to 4 national coordinates and elevation points are included in the main administrative division of the map;

dd) Specify scale and scale indicator of maps.

3. Atlases of governmental administrative maps and other administrative maps

a) Mathematical basis including: Longitude and latitude grid and note, scale or scale indicator, frame line;

b) Depending on the purpose of the map, dimensions of longitude and latitude grid can be rounded to the degree or minute accordingly.

Article 22. Content editing




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2. Choose, brief, and present elements of administrative maps in order to meet criteria under Articles 26, 27, 28, and 29 of this Circular depending on the type of administrative map.

3. Perform inkjet printing serving on-site inspection.

Article 23. On-site inspection

On-site inspection consists of:

1. Verify and amend elements of the map according to real life.

2. Add new real life elements to the map.

3. Collect documents, maps, legislative documents to accommodate internal update and editing.

Article 24. Inspection result update

1. Transfer on-site inspection results and other locally collected documents to digital author copy.




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a) Ensure accuracy of the map;

b) Ensure authenticity and adequacy according to physical inspection results;

c) Ensure consistency with elements available on the map.

Article 25. Standardization of digital author copy

1. Present map elements as per the law and ensure that:

a) Positioning relativity and separation between elements on the map. The translation of elements complies with the principle that elements with a lower accuracy adhere to elements with a higher accuracy;

b) Notes must be presented in a manner that adheres to geographical features to which the notes are added.

2. Present other elements: Secondary maps; area and population legends; legends and other contents.

Article 26. Contents of nationwide governmental administrative maps




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2. National border, administrative division border elements

a) Fully depict national land border and base line;

b) Fully depict defined and undefined provincial-level administrative division border, and locales within provincial-level administrative divisions;

c) Fully depict centers of provincial-level administrative divisions;

d) Specify name of provincial-level administrative divisions.

3. Hydrography elements

a) Shoreline is depicted from frame line of the map; depending on map scale, generalize while maintaining characteristics of shorelines and main estuaries;

b) Depict all Vietnam’s islands archipelagos as follows: islands whose map depiction is ≥ 0,5 mm2 are shown depending on map scale; islands whose map depiction is < 0,5 mm2 are shown by non-scaling symbols with chosen shape, direction, and density; islands relevant to national border, administrative division border are prioritized; distinction is made between coral islands and other islands; rocks, shoals, banks at request of competent authority;

c) Depict basic characteristics of river system; rivers, canals, channels whose map depiction is ≥ 2 cm in length; depending on geographical characteristics of each area, this length criterion can be increased or decreased by 1 cm; depict rivers, canals, channels relevant to national border and administrative division border;




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dd) Depict lakes whose map depiction ≥ 10 mm2; lakes whose map depiction < 10 mm2 relevant to national border, administrative division border or areas suffering from water scarcity;

e) Depict river islands whose map depiction ≥ 2 mm2; river islands whose map depiction < 10 mm2 and ≥ 0,5 mm2 relevant to national border and administrative division border;

g) Note the following hydrography features:

Name of beaches, gulfs, estuaries; name of rivers whose map depiction is ≥ 7 cm in length; lakes whose map depiction is ≥ 25 mm2;

Name of major islands and archipelagoes; name of district-level administrative divisions, respective provinces, the country of Vietnam, name of islands, archipelagoes, rocks, banks, shoals at request of competent authority;

Specify name of geological features relevant to national border and administrative division border.

4. Topography elements

a) Nationwide governmental administrative maps omit contour lines; show isobath and stratification at 200 m, 1500 m, 4000 m; specify depth with density of 4 points/1 dm2 on the map;

b) Depict areas with special topography: Swamps and sand mass whose map depiction is > 1 cm2; distinction must be made between dry and wet sand mass;




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d) Nationwide administrative maps of 1:3.500.000 scale may omit topography elements according to Points a, b, and c Clause 4 of this Article.

5. Population elements

a) Selectively depict residential areas. Depict residential areas by non-scaling symbols depending on population:

At least 1.500.000 people;

From 500.000 to 1.500.000 people;

From 250.000 to 500.000 people;

From 100.000 to 250.000 people;

From 50.000 to 100.000 people;

Less than 50.000 people.




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c) Selectively depict rural residential areas. Prioritize residential areas with higher population count, residential areas named after famous locations or named after direction to famous locations while maintaining separation density;

d) Insert name of all selected residential areas and classify as follows: capital city, central-affiliated cities; district-level cities; communes; towns; rural residential areas;

dd) Distinction between whether residential areas are administrative centers of provinces, districts.

6. Socio-economic factors

Selectively depict historical and cultural heritages, sceneries under national level. Selectively depict other socio-economic elements of national level.

7. Traffic and relevant elements

a) Depict railways, roads, seaways, and relevant elements; level of detail must be appropriate to the map scale and characteristics, systematic properties of traffic network;

b) Fully depict national railways in use; depict primary stations and specify station name if possible;

c) Classify roads by level: National highway, provincial road, district-level road, other road;




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d) Fully depict international seaways and seaports with their name; selectively depict seaways and inland seaports distinct to certain areas;

dd) Fully depict international airports and their name. Selectively depict domestic airports. Omit military airports.

8. Locations on the map

Vietnamese and foreign locations are depicted in accordance with:

a) Circular No. 23/2011/TT-BTNMT dated July 6 of 2011 of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment;

b) Decision No. 24/2007/QD-BTNMT dated December 31 of 2007 of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment;

c) Other list of locations promulgated by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

9. Area, population, population density legends of provinces and cities

a) Depict name of provinces and central-affiliated cities and the latest data of competent authority;




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c) Arrangement principle:

In 8 natural geographic regions that are North West, North East, Red River Delta, North Central Coast, South Central Coast, Central Highlands, Southeast, Mekong Delta; In each geographic region, name of administrative divisions are arranged as follows: Name of capital, central-affiliated city, province; in Vietnamese alphabetical order.

10. Other elements

a) Name of the map must be the full country name: Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam (Socialist Republic of Vietnam);

b) Legends must explain all symbols on the map; the contents are arranged in the following order: field-specific elements, geography elements, other elements;

c) Other information: Fully and accurately specify name of presiding agency; name of entity creating the map; name and origin of component documents; name of publishers and publishing director; name of printing entity; information publishing license; copyright; publishing year.

11. Details outside of Vietnamese territory

a) Field-specific elements in foreign territory only include national border and name of country;

b) Basic geography elements are depicted as indicated in Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of this Article. It is permissible to reduce 30% of the contents in a manner compliant with map generalization principle.




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1. Mathematical basis elements according to Clause 2 Article 21 hereof.

2. National border, administrative division border elements

a) Fully depict national land border;

b) Fully depict defined and undefined border of provincial-level, district-level, commune-level administrative divisions; district-level, commune-level zones depending on geographic border;

c) Provincial-level administrative maps must depict all provincial-level, district-level administrative division markers; commune-level administrative division markers with at least 3 sides and notes;

d) District-level administrative maps must depict all provincial-level, district-level, commune-level administrative division markers and notes;

dd) Fully depict locations of People’s Committees of provinces, districts, communes;

e) Specify name of district-level, commune-level administrative divisions.

3. Hydrography elements




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b) Depict all Vietnam’s islands archipelagos as follows: islands whose map depiction is ≥ 0,5 mm2 are shown depending on map scale; islands whose map depiction is < 0,5 mm2 are shown by non-scaling symbols with chosen shape, direction, and density; islands relevant to national border, administrative division border are prioritized; distinction is made between coral islands and other islands; rocks, shoals, banks at request of competent authority;

c) Depict basic characteristics of river system; rivers, canals, channels whose map depiction is ≥ 5 cm in length; depending on geographical characteristics of each area, this length criterion can be increased or decreased by 2 cm. Prioritize rivers, canals, channels relevant to national border and administrative division border;

d) Rivers, canals, and channels whose map depiction is ≥ 0,7 mm in length are shown depending on map scale; rivers, canals, and channels of a smaller width are shown in single line tapered towards the headstream. Rivers, canals, channels depicted by single line must satisfy density and shape requirements;

dd) Depict lakes whose map depiction ≥ 10 mm2; lakes whose map depiction < 10 mm2 relevant to national border, administrative division border or areas suffering from water scarcity;

e) Depict river islands whose map depiction ≥ 2 mm2; river islands whose map depiction < 10 mm2 and ≥ 0,5 mm2 relevant to national border and administrative division border;

g) Note the following hydrography features:

Name of beaches, gulfs, estuaries; name of rivers whose map depiction is ≥ 7 cm in length; lakes whose map depiction is ≥ 25 mm2;

Name of all major islands and all archipelagoes; note name of presiding district-level, provincial-level administrative division, full country name at request of competent authority;

Specify name of geological features relevant to national border and administrative division border.




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a) Depending on map scale and local topography characteristics, choose contour interval of contour lines in accordance with Schedule 2.

Schedule 2


Type of terrain

Type of contour interval

Secondary elevation



5 m; 10 m; 20 m




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Highland and mountainous region

20 m; 50 m; 100 m

Where necessary, it is permissible to choose elevation equal half the contour interval

b) Depict elevation points with density of 5 - 6 points/1 dm2 depending on map scale. Selected elevation points are characteristic points, including: Mounts, ridges, lowest and highest points in the area;

c) Depict sand mass and swamps whose map depiction is ≥ 1 cm2;

d) Depict rocky terrains whose map depiction ≥ 1 cm2; karst lakes whose map depiction ≥ 1 mm2 depending on map scale; selectively depict limestone mountain areas with smaller karst lakes while maintaining separation;

dd) Specify name of characteristic ridges, mountains, mounts. Prioritize mountains and ridges relevant to national border, administrative division border.

5. Population elements




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b) Urban residential areas are depicted in 2 forms: plan view illustration and non-scaling symbols;

c) Depict plan view illustrations of all urban residential areas whose map depiction ≥ 50 mm2 including: Roads surrounding residential urban areas and main roads; depict urban residential areas whose map depiction < 50 mm2 using non-scaling symbols;

d) Depict plan view illustrations of rural residential areas whose map depiction ≥ 100 mm2, including: Roads surrounding the most populated residential areas and main roads;

Depict Populated residential areas whose map depiction < 100 mm2 using non-scaling symbols. Prioritize residential areas containing historical, cultural heritages, famous scenery of national-level and provincial-level and/or relevant to national border, administrative division border;

Depiction density is 10 points/1 dm2. Where necessary, it is permissible to change depiction density to fit map spacing;

Depict residential areas scarcely distributed along line-type features using scattered housing symbols;

dd) Specify name of residential areas appropriate to map spacing in centers of cities, communes, towns.

6. Socio-economic factors

Depict all historical heritages, artistic and architecture heritages, archaeology sites, scenery of national-level, provincial-level. Selectively depict other socio-economic elements.




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a) Depict railways, roads, seaways, and relevant elements; level of detail must be appropriate to the map scale and characteristics, systematic properties of traffic network;

b) Fully depict all national railways in use; fully depict all primary stations and station name;

c) Classify roads by level: National highway, provincial road, district-level road, other road;

Fully depict national highways, provincial roads, district-level roads with their name; specify roads leading to national highways and provincial roads leading away from said provinces.

d) Selectively depict other roads that are roads leading to residential areas, national highways, provincial roads, district-level roads;

dd) Prioritize roads relevant to national border, administrative division border, inter-commune roads;

e) Depict international seaports, inland seaports in use and their name;

g) Depict all international airports, domestic airports and notes. Omit military airports.

8. Locations on the map




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9. Area, population legends of provincial-level, district-level administrative divisions

a) Fully depict district-level, commune-level administrative divisions in case of provincial-level administrative maps; commune-level administrative divisions in case of district-level administrative maps;

b) Additional data include: Natural area, in km2; population, in people; population density, in people/km2 depending on the latest data published by competent authority;

c) Name and data arrangement principles:

Name of administrative divisions are arranged in the following order: district-level cities, commune-level cities and in Vietnamese alphabetical order;

In each district-level city, commune-level city, name of administrative divisions are arranged in the following order: Wards, towns with administrative centers, other towns, communes, and Vietnamese alphabetical order.

10. Secondary maps include:

a) Secondary maps of provincial administrative maps are nationwide administrative maps of a scale appropriate to the remaining space of the map; contents of secondary maps conform to Article 29 hereof;

b) Secondary maps of district-level administrative maps are provincial administrative maps of a scale appropriate to the remaining space of the map; contents of secondary maps conform to Article 29 hereof;




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11. Maps of administrative centers include:

a) Maps of centers of district-level cities in case of provincial administrative maps and maps of centers of district-level administrative maps in case of district-level administrative maps;

b) Maps of administrative centers are only designed where primary maps fail to depict administrative division border;

c) Design principles: Choose a higher scale that is a multiplier of that of the primary maps. Mathematical basis of the map conforms to Clause 2 Article 5; contents of the map conform to Clauses 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of this Article.

12. Other elements

a) Map name must be name of province, central-affiliated city in case of provincial administrative maps or name of district, district-level city in case of district-level administrative map attached to a phrase: “Bản đồ hành chính” (Administrative map);

b) Legends must explain all symbols on the map; the contents are arranged in the following order: field-specific elements, geology elements, other elements;

c) Other information: Fully and accurately specify name of presiding agency; name of entity creating the map; name and origin of component documents; name of publishers and publishing director; name of printing entity; information publishing license; copyright; publishing year.

Article 28. Contents of governmental administrative atlases




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2. It is permissible to generalize contents depending on scale and purpose of the map on the principles below:

a) Mathematical basis of maps in an atlas consists of: Frame line, meridian and parallel grid, scale and scale indicator;

b) Elements that must be accurately depicted including national border, administrative division border; islands, archipelagos, shoals, submerged rocks, other submerged masses and name, Vietnamese sovereignty at request of competent authority;

c) Background geographic elements are depicted as follows:

Elevation points and name of characteristic mountains in the administrative divisions;

Hydrography, population, traffic, socio-economic elements of maps in atlases can be generalized in accordance with cartography principles to fit map scale and in order to ensure consistency in terms of technical criteria across all maps in the atlases.

Article 29. Contents of other administrative maps

1. Each type of administrative maps must have contents similar to those of respective type of governmental administrative maps under Articles 26, 27, and 28 hereof.

2. Map contents must include:




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b) Background geography elements may be generalized depending on scale and purpose in a manner compliant with map generalization principles and Point c Clause 2 Article 28 hereof.


Article 30. Symbols of administrative maps of all levels

1. Symbols, color, and font used in 1:1.000.000 nationwide governmental administrative maps are specified under Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 attached hereto.

Nationwide governmental administrative maps of other scales may contain lines of different pattern, symbols of different dimension with the same symbol color and types.

2. Symbols, color, and font used in provincial, district-level governmental administrative maps are specified under Appendix 6 and Appendix 7 attached hereto. .

District-level governmental administrative maps may contain symbols of different dimensions, pattern with the same color and types depending on map scale; it is permissible to design additional symbols for geographical features not mentioned under Appendix 6 and Appendix 7 attached hereto on a case-by-case basis.

3. Symbols of governmental administrative atlases and other administrative maps may contain different dimensions and color while maintaining presentation principles and adhering to:

a) Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 in case of nationwide administrative maps;




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Article 31. Final editing of author copy

1. Edit re-presentation of several elements in digital author copies to suit physical printing as follows:

a) Dotting lines, separating symbols of the same color to ensure readability, including: Dotted contour lines where they cross elevation note; dotted traffic lines where they cross elevation symbols;

Where national border or administrative division border overlaps other line-type features (river, stream, canal, channel, road) that are depicted as single lines, such border will be presented parallel to the aforementioned features; where national border or administrative division border is between rivers depicted by double lines, such border is depicted as intermittent territorial nodes while staying between said rivers; length of each node ranges from dimensions of 1 to 3 symbols; distance between each node equals twice the dimensions of the node. In special cases, parameters above can be changed to ensure coherence of national border and administrative division border.

b) Implement background for symbols;

c) Adjust font of notes to match that of editing software to prevent font error when printing.

2. Implement inkjet printing, inspection, repair.

3. Print author copy, verification of commissioning entities at the same level as project developers.

4. Author copy must be verified by commissioning entities and competent authority regarding presentation of field-specific elements before being published.




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1. Inspecting and commissioning administrative maps of all levels shall conform to Circular No. 02/2007/TT-BTNMT dated February 12 of 2007 of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment.

2. Commissioning and inspection contents

Commissioning and inspecting administrative maps of all levels include:

a) Commissioning and inspecting digital author copy;

b) Commissioning and inspecting physical author copy.

Article 33. Submission and packaging

1. Submission

a) Digital author copy and standard files;

b) Physical author copy verified by project developer, inspecting entities at the same level as project developers, and implementing entities;




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2. Packaging

a) Data of digital author copy and standard files are written in CD-ROM or DVD; the disks are of high quality and only written once; each disk must contain the following folders: save sources, symbol library, layering regulations;

b) Information on case and label of CD-Rom or DVD includes: disk number, name of administrative division, map scale, date, implementing entity, inspecting and commissioning entity, disk burning date, technical specification;

Technical specifications include: projection grid, prime meridian, technology solution;

c) Physical products must be arranged in order and contained in highly durable packaging. Packaging shall contain information under Point b Clause 2 of this Article.

Chapter III


Article 34. Entry into force

This Circular comes into force from October 08 of 2014.




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1. Ministries, ministerial agencies, Governmental agencies; People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities are responsible for coordinating the implementation of this Circular.

2. Vietnam Department of Survey and Mapping is responsible for inspecting the implementation of this Circular.

3. Departments of Natural Resources and Environment are responsible for assisting People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities in implementing this Circular in respective provinces and cities.

Difficulties that arise during implementation must be reported to Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment./.




Nguyen Linh Ngoc


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Circular No. 47/2014/TT-BTNMT dated August 22, 2014 on technical regulations on administrative map of all levels
Official number: 47/2014/TT-BTNMT Legislation Type: Circular
Organization: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Signer: Nguyen Linh Ngoc
Issued Date: 22/08/2014 Effective Date: Premium
Gazette dated: Updating Gazette number: Updating
Effect: Premium

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Circular No. 47/2014/TT-BTNMT dated August 22, 2014 on technical regulations on administrative map of all levels

Address: 17 Nguyen Gia Thieu street, Ward Vo Thi Sau, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Phone: (+84)28 3930 3279 (06 lines)
Email: inf[email protected]

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