Prominent regulations in force in early September 2016

30/08/2016 17:22 PM

Following the article on tax and salary regulations in effect in early September 2016, THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT introduces other prominent regulations that shall come into force on the 01st to 10th of September 2016.

Nhị Trinh

1. Monthly aid of 15kg of rice for each student under extreme hardship

As of September 01, 2016, the Decree No. 116/2016/ND-CP on supports for students and secondary schools in communes and hamlets under extreme hardship shall come into force.

The new support thereof for such beneficiaries includes:

- A monthly meal aid worth 40% of the statutory pay rate for each student, a monthly accommodation aid worth 10% of the statutory pay rate for each student and a monthly ration of 15kg of rice for each student (such aids are provided in at most 9 months per year per student).

- A full-day secondary school for minority students, which provide meals to students in a common canteen, shall receive a monthly fixed financial aid for cooking activities, which is worth 135% of the statutory pay rate, for 30 students.

(For every additional 15 students, the aid is granted again; however, each school shall receive at most 05 aids per month and be aided in at most 9 months per year).

2. Stricter remedial actions following inspections of bidding

Such prominent detail is defined in the Circular No, 10/2016/TT-BKHDT on the supervision, monitoring and inspection of bidding.

If an organization inspected commits an error or violation in bidding, whose rectification requires time, the inspection agency shall be responsible for monitoring the adherence to the inspection conclusions.

The head of the organization inspected shall be responsible for directing and reporting the execution of the inspection conclusions.

Entities under the organization inspected and relevant entities, which are held responsible for executing the inspection conclusions, shall incur these remedial actions if not executing or inadequately actualizing such conclusions:

- Administrative infractions.

- Disciplinary measures.

- Criminal prosecution.

- Amends for damage caused as per the laws.

Circular No. 10/2016/TT-BKHDT shall come into force as of September 09, 2016.

3. Promotional examination for public employees in the sector of environment and natural resources

Joint Circular No. 13/2016/TTLT-BTNMT-BNV, in effect as of September 01, 2016, regulates the promotional examination for public employees in the sector of natural resources and environment.

Public employees specialized in natural resources and environment shall be exempt from foreign language tests on one of these conditions:

- At the least age of 55 for men or at the least age of 50 for women upon the announcement of the intake of applications;

- Working in an area inhabited by ethnic minority population(s) and possessing a certificate of an ethnic language as awarded by a competent training institution;

- Being born to an ethnic minority and working in an area inhabited by ethnic minority population(s);

- Possess a second university degree in a foreign language;

- Possessing a degree, which matches or surpasses the promotional exam’s criteria, from an overseas program or from a Vietnam-based program instructed in a foreign language.

Moreover, the Joint Circular regulates that public employees, who have graduated in information technology from at least a vocational school, are exempt from computing test(s).

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