Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
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đối với phương tiện chuyên chở
(Tàu thủy, máy bay, xe lửa, xe hơi...)
Minute of Phytosanitary inspection
What are regulations on administrative inspection decisions and competence to issue administrative inspection decisions in Vietnam? What are regulations on administrative inspection duration in Vietnam? What are tasks and powers of heads of administrative inspection teams in Vietnam?
units in the airport/aerodrome in negotiating a written agreement on operation at the airport/aerodrome.
10. Preside over building database and system of technologies supporting inspection and supervision of persons and vehicles after being licensed and operating in restricted areas of the airport.
11. Cooperate in disseminating the law on
distinctness testing methods to inspect variety trueness.
4. Before testing a genetically modified forest tree cultivar, perform a risk assessment according to regulations of law on biodiversity.
Best regards!
of precious and rare livestock gene sources
3. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall carry out inspection of such application within 3 working days from the day on which the application is received and notify the applicant in writing for them to provide additional information in case such application is found unsatisfactory
granted following the procedure below:
a) The applicant for recognition of new livestock breeds or lines shall send a hardcopy application and electronic application specified in Clause 1 this Article to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall carry out inspection of the application
+ Research and adopt appropriate solutions for encouraging banks to apply Basel II advanced approaches towards applying Basel III when credit institutions meet financial and personnel requirements.
- Regarding improvement of efficiency and validity of banking inspection and supervision; improve competence and service quality of banking inspection and
, implementation, inspection and examination of planning, plans and compliance with laws for activities within economic-defense zones.
2. Organizing the activities of the management, fostering, improvement of capacity and qualification of servicemen, defense workers, officers and people within economic-defense zones.
3. Managing investment and construction
functions and tasks, inspect and supervise the development of legal frameworks, regulations on implementation and development of circular economy in accordance with applicable laws and international agreements.
What are responsibilities of Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs in “Circular Economy Development in Vietnam” Scheme
roles and efficiency in settling bad debts.
- Regarding policies on assurance of safety for banking operations, inspection and supervision:
+ Research and amend regulations on legal capital of credit institutions which should be feasible.
+ Review, research and amend regulations on prevention of cross-ownership and abuse of management and
c/ Technical safety and environmental protection inspection certificate, for motor vehicles prescribed in Article 55 of this Law;
d/ Motor vehicle owner civil liability insurance certificate.
As regulations above, you shall carry mopeds insurance (Motor vehicle owner civil liability insurance certificate) when riding mopeds. Besides, you
relevant ministries in management, inspection and handling of violations concerning transport of dangerous goods.
What are responsibilities of Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam in inland waterways transport of dangerous goods?
Pursuant to Article 21 of the Decree 42/2020/NĐ-CP stipulating responsibilities of Ministry of Public Security of
the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in promulgation of regulations on locations and procedures for cleaning of vehicles after transport of dangerous goods and cleaning procedures after dangerous goods are transported out of warehouses and yards.
7. Cooperate with relevant ministries in management, inspection and handling of
usernames and passwords for automobile trackers or the automatic identification system (AIS) of the vehicles granted transport licenses for licensing authorities before transport (for commercial vehicles).
2. Inspect goods and ensure safety before transport begins as per regulations.
3. Comply with all requirements from the consignor and regulations
notification to the taxpayer of the ineligibility for deferral and the taxpayer shall fully pay the tax, land rents and late payment interest that accrue over the elapsed period. In case a competent authority discovers through inspection that the taxpayer is not eligible for deferral after expiration of the deferral period, the taxpayer shall pay the arrears
, construction material, decoration and use capacity conditions of each structural component of the relics that are to be repaired; analysis of inspection and excavation results (if any).
4. Analysis and identification of risks and reasons for damage and degradation of the relics.
5. Proposition of design solution to repair relics, including:
6 months and every year, and financial management status to the project owner and the managing agency.
6. Carry out taking-over inspection, transfer and final accounts of program or project. After finishing the program or project, within 06 months, the project management board must complete the report on completion of the program or project and
charity funds. Send annual reports to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for consolidating and reporting to the Prime Minister.
4. Inspect and supervise the reception, management and use of aid by associations, social funds and charity funds according to the state management competence of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Tasks and powers of
combining rural environmental protection tasks with linkages and consumption of agricultural products;
dd) Monitor, consolidate, inspect and submit reports on the implementation of this Decree.
2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall: Take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in consolidating and
executing relic repair and relevant organizations and individuals in inspecting, transferring and bringing the relics into use, and implementing other activities according to construction laws.
2. Organizations executing relic repair shall:
a) In case of on-spot repair or dismantlement of some structural components:
- Cover areas of the structural