What are regulations on testing of forest tree cultivars in Vietnam?
What is forest tree cultivars testing in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 13 of the Decree 27/2021/NĐ-CP stipulating testing of forest tree cultivars in Vietnam as follows:
1. Test subjects: forest tree cultivars selected and created domestically; and forest tree cultivars imported for the first time, not yet recognized and not included in lists of invasive alien species and alien species posing invasion risk per the law.
2. Testing methods: origin testing, progeny testing and clonal testing shall be performed in accordance with national standards on testing in Appendix I enclosed therewith.
3. Testing content: testing and assessment of distinctness, uniformity and stability; testing and assessment of value for cultivation and use of forest tree cultivars according to national standards on testing in Appendix I enclosed therewith.
4. Organizations and individuals satisfying the conditions in Article 12 herein may test forest tree cultivars.
5. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assess test results to recognize forest tree cultivars.
What are general requirements for forest tree cultivar testing in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 14 of the Decree 27/2021/NĐ-CP stipulating general requirements for forest tree cultivar testing in Vietnam as follows:
1. Testing of forest tree cultivars shall be carried out regionally. A forest tree cultivar undergoing testing in one region shall be issued with a recognition decision for development in that region and areas with similar ecological conditions.
2. Forest tree cultivar testing methods are provided for in national standards on testing methods in Appendix I enclosed therewith.
3. Gene sequencing methods shall be used instead of distinctness testing methods to inspect variety trueness.
4. Before testing a genetically modified forest tree cultivar, perform a risk assessment according to regulations of law on biodiversity.
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Lê Tấn Phát