Headlines 31/03/2017 17:10 CH

Regulations on construction and finance, in effect as of April 01, 2017

Trọng Nhân

The following four regulations on construction and finance shall come into force as of April 01, 2017:

1. Guideline for estimating the expense of construction survey

Promulgated on February 06, 2017, the Circular No. 01/2017/TT-BXD provides for the determination and management of the expense of construction survey in replacement of the Circular No. 17/2013/TT-BXD.

The following guideline is defined for the method for estimating the construction survey expense based on the used amount of materials and fuels, labor and machinery and the relevant price list:

- The used amount of materials and fuels, labor and surveying machinery is determined by the total consumption of materials, fuels, labor and surveying machinery for each amount of construction survey works.

- The prices of materials and fuels equal those announced by competent authorities.

The price of a type of material or fuel not mentioned in the price announcement shall be quoted in adherence to the time of estimation and the market price in effect at the location of construction survey.

- The price of labor is determined according to the guidelines of the People’s Committee of the province where the construction survey occurs or according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Construction.

- The price of surveying machinery shall be announced by competent authorities or shall equal the machinery rent apposite to the time of estimation and the market price in effect at the location of construction survey.

2. Guideline for receipt and transfer of cash through the system of the State Treasury

Ministry of Finance promulgated the Circular No. 13/2017/TT-BTC on the management of receipts and payments in cash through the system of the State Treasury in replacement of the Circular No. 164/2011/TT-BTC dated November 17.

The following rules apply to payments:
- A transfer from an entity transacting amounts in small value shall not exceed VND 5 million;

- The transfer of expenditure to official delegations, aids to hamlets and other payments to providers of goods and services are available to the entities that do not hold accounts in any banks, except the payments for the works that are required to be put out to tender as per regulations.

- The payments that require cashless transfer (except the payments for the works required to be put out to tender as per regulations, the transferring entity, at its discretion, shall make payments by credit card by no later than 05 working days, for advances, or 07 working days, for payments, prior to the payment deadline defined by the commercial bank;

The transferring entity shall provide the State Treasury with full payment documents to complete the transfer control procedure and to make payment(s) to the bank.

3. Guideline for EVN's base price used for calculating value added tax

Promulgated on February 09, 2017, the Decree No. 10/2017/ND-CP regulates the financial management of Electricity Vietnam Group (EVN) and amends the Decree No. 209/2013/ND-CP on guidelines for the Law of Value added tax.

The base price of electricity for value added tax calculation at the producers of electricity, whose accounting system is dependent on those of EVN and Power Generation Corporations, shall be the invoiced price at which electricity is sold to customers according to the electricity sale contracts.

(Instead of the currently defined rate of 60% of the previous year’s average commercial electricity price exclusive of value added tax).

Decree No. 10/2017/ND-CP is also enclosed with EVN's regulation of financial management.

4. On February 08, 2017, the Ministry of Finance promulgated the Circular No. 11/2017/TT-BTC on the management and use of the local budgetary funding of loans to poor individuals and other beneficiaries of regulated aids through the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies.



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