Headlines 21/02/2017 10:51 SA

Prominent regulations that take effect in late February 2017

Trọng Nhân

THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT hereby introduces to esteemed members the following prominent regulations that come into force in late February 2017 (21st to 28th February 2017):

1. New forms for civil and administrative procedures

On January 06, 2017, the Judges’ Council of People’s Supreme Court passed the Resolution No. 01/2017/NQ-HDTP and the Resolution No. 02/2017/NQ-HDTP which stipulate the forms for civil and administrative procedures:

- 93 forms for civil procedure

- 62 forms for administrative procedure.

Read the resolutions for a detailed list of the forms.

Resolution No. 01/2017/NQ-HDTP and Resolution No. 02/2017/NQ-HDTP come into force as of February 24, 2017.

2. Support for production in agriculture, forestry and fishery after natural disasters’ impacts

As of February 25, 2017, pursuant to the Decree No. 02/2017/ND-CP the individuals and households whose production suffered direct damage by natural disaster or plague shall receive, if qualifying, the following supports:

- An aid of VND 2,000,000/ha or VND 1,000,000/ha is available for rice paddy damaged by more than 70% or by 30% to 70%, respectively.

- An aid of VND 2,000,000/ha or VND 1,000,000/ha is available for corn and vegetables field damaged by more than 70% or by 30% to 70%, respectively.

- An aid of VND 7,100,000 to 10,000,000/ha or VND 3,000,000 to 7,000,000/ha is available for traditional or domestic fish farming pond damaged by more than 70% or by 30% to 70%, respectively.

- An aid of VND 7,100,000 to 10,000,000 per 100 m3 or VND 3,000,000 to 7,000,000 per 100 m3 is available for freshwater aquaculture cage damaged by more than 70% of by 30% to 70%, respectively.

- An aid of VND 10,000 to 20,000/bird or VND 21,000 to 35,000/bird is available against damage to poultry (chicken and ducks) up to 28 days of age or above 28 days of age, respectively.

- Support for salt production: An aid of VND 1,500,000/ha or VND 1,000,000/ha is available for salt evaporation pond damaged by more than 70% or by 30% to 70%, respectively.

Read the Decree No. 02/2017/ND-CP for detail on other supports.

3. Operational principles of the postal network for Vietnam Communist Party and the government

The postal network for the agencies of Vietnam Communist Party and the government is established and maintained to transport and deliver the post that conveys such agencies' managerial instructions and state secrets.

Pursuant to the Decision No. 55/2016/QD-TTg the postal network shall operate by the following principles:

- Maintain the confidentiality of state secrets.

- Uphold confidentiality, security, safety, swiftness, accuracy and promptness in every circumstance.

- Be consistent in organization, management and operation.

- Serve no purpose of business.

Decision No. 55/2016/QD-TTg takes effect as of February 25, 2017.

4. Spending on environment protection from local budget

Pursuant to the Circular No. 02/2017/TT-BTC in effect as of February 22, 2017, local governments shall appropriate their budgets for the following missions of environment protection:

- Support the local control of environmental pollution (to control sources of contamination and negative impacts on the environment);

- Support the local management of waste, local investigation and assessment of sources of polluting discharge and local evaluation of the endurability of the environment;

- Support the local collection, sorting, transportation, treatment and burial of domestic waste (except the construction of waste treatment facilities);

- Manage public sanitary facilities, provide equipment and vehicles for collection of garbage and cleaning of public ambiance and residential areas at the discretion of competent authorities.

Moreover, the Circular No. 02/2017/TT-BTC stipulates the maximum spending on specific tasks.


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