Persons and entities are permitted for import of waste from July 1, 2019

21/05/2019 15:44 PM

This is mentioned in the Decree No. 40/2019/ND-CP, amending Decrees providing instructions on the Law on Environmental Protection, which has been promulgated by the Government on May 13, 2019.

Mộng Thơ

The Decree specifies that only entities or persons whose manufacturing facilities use waste are permitted for import of waste as production materials and have to meet the following requirements:

- Fulfill requirements and responsibilities for environmental protection;

- Have environmental impact assessment reports approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment which address use of imported waste as production materials;

- Obtain certificates of completion of environmental protection projects or permits for hazardous waste treatment;

- Hold certificates of fulfillment of environmental protection requirements for import of waste.

In addition, imported waste will be unloaded in ports only if:

- The consignee specified in the manifest obtains the certificate of conformance to environmental protection regulations upon import of waste which remains valid and has the remaining volume of waste to be imported;

- The consignee specified on the E-Manifest has sent the written confirmation of security deposit for imported waste.

The Decree No. 40/2019/ND-CP is set to enter into force on July 1, 2019.


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