In Vietnam, is it possible to vote while serving a suspended sentence?
In Vietnam, can people with suspended sentences vote?
Pursuant to Article 30 of the Law on Election of Deputies to the National Assembly and People's Councils 2015 stipulates the cases in which names cannot be recorded, deleted or added to the list of voters as follows:
1. The persons who are deprived of the voting right under legally effective judgments or decisions of the Court, who are sentenced to death awaiting execution, who are serving prison terms without suspended sentences, and who are incapable of civil acts shall not have their names registered in the electoral registers.
2. If the persons defined in Clause 1 of this Article have their voting right restored, are set free or certified by the competent agency that they are no longer incapable of civil acts until 24 hours before the voting time, they shall have their names added to the electoral registers and be given the electors’ cards as prescribed in Article 29 of this Law.
3. During the period from the time the electoral register is posted to 24 hours before the voting time, if any person changes his/her permanent residence outside the commune where he/she has his/name recorded to the electoral register, his/her name shall be crossed out from such electoral register and added to the new electoral register at his/her new permanent residence to elect National Assembly deputies and People's Council deputies of province, district and commune; if any person changes his/her temporary residence outside the commune where he/she has his/name recorded to the electoral register, his/her name shall be crossed out from such electoral register and added to the new electoral register at his/her new temporary residence to elect National Assembly deputies and People's Council deputies of province and district.
4. The electors prescribed in Clause 5 Article 29 of this Law, until 24 hours before the voting time, are set free or released from reform schools or detoxification centers shall have their names crossed out from the electoral registers where their detention centers, reform schools or detoxification centers are located, or have their names added to the electoral registers where they reside permanently to elect National Assembly deputies and People's Council deputies of province, district and commune or have their names added to the electoral registers where they reside temporarily to elect National Assembly deputies and People's Council deputies of province and district.
5. If persons who have already had their names in the electoral registers, are, before the voting time, deprived of their voting right by the Court, having to serve prison terms, or incapable of civil acts, the People’s Committee of the commune shall cross out their names from the electoral registers and withdraw their electors’ cards.
Thus, in Vietnam, when you are serving a suspended sentence but you are a citizen of full 18 years or older, have full civil act capacity, you still have the right to participate in elections and be registered on the list of voters. in your place of residence to participate in the election of deputies to the National Assembly and the People's Council as prescribed by law, unless you are deprived of your right to vote.
Is it possible to find a job while serving a suspended sentence in Vietnam?
Article 88 of the Law on Execution of Criminal Judgments 2019 stipulates that the work and study of the person entitled to a suspended sentence is as follows:
1. If a person serving a suspended sentence who is an official, public employee, commissioned officer, professional soldier, noncommissioned officer, soldier, defense worker, public security worker or another employee, is allowed to continue working at that workplace, he/she shall be given a job which meets supervision and education requirements, receive a pay and other benefits suitable to the job he/she performs, and this working duration shall be included in his/her working or service time under law.
2. If a person serving suspended sentence is admitted to study in a compulsory education institution or vocational education institution, he/she may benefit policies of such institution.
3. A person serving suspended sentence not falling under any case prescribed in Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article may be enabled to find a job by the People’s Committee of commune in charge.
4. A person serving suspended sentence who is eligible for preferences under the law on preferential treatment towards persons with meritorious services to the revolution or for social insurance benefits is still entitled to such benefits and policies as per the law.
Therefore, in Vietnam, a person who is serving a suspended sentence can be facilitated by the People's Committee of the commune where he/she resides to find a job if it is not in the cases prescribed by the law mentioned above.
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