Is it possible to organize self-defense forces in enterprises in Vietnam?
Is it permissible to organize self-defense forces in enterprises in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 17 of the Law on Militia and Self-defense Forces in 2019 stipulating conditions for organization of self-defense forces in enterprises in Vietnam as follows:
An enterprise shall be considered for organization of self-defense forces if it:
1. ensures command of Party Executive Committees, management of People’s Committees of all levels and direction of military authorities of provinces and districts; and
2. satisfies national defense and security requirements, schemes and plans for organization of local militia and self-defense forces where the enterprise operates and fits production and trade activities of the enterprise; and
3. has operated for 24 months or more; and
4. has enough workers eligible for participation in militia and self-defense forces to organize at least 1 squad of self-defense force.
Your enterprise shall meet all above regulations to organize a militia and self-defense force in your own enterprise.
In Vietnam, in which cases shall militia and self-defense forces be expanded?
Pursuant to Article 16 of the same Law stipulating expansion of militia and self-defense forces in Vietnam as follows:
1. Militia and self-defense forces shall be expanded when:
a) Decisions on local mobilization and general mobilization are implemented;
b) Emergencies namely disasters, diseases or serious threats to national security, social order and safety are declared.
2. Minister of National Defense shall prescribe plan and authorization for expansion of militia and self-defense forces.
Best regards!
Lê Tấn Phát