In Vietnam, what are regulations on sale of goods of aid amounts?
Regulations on sale of goods of aid amounts in Vietnam:
Pursuant to Article 17 of the Decree 80/2020/NĐ-CP stipulatingsale of goods of aid amounts in Vietnam as follows:
Goods belonging to aid amounts agreed to be sold in Vietnam by the aid recipient and aid donor must be decided by competent authorities defined in Article 7 of this Decree concurrently with the approval of aid amounts, based on written consent of the Ministry of Finance. Used goods, when permitted to be imported into Vietnam, are not commercial goods and shall be not auctioned. Wholly new and unexpired goods must be auctioned according to current regulations on property auction.
Regulations on handover of aid implementation results in Vietnam:
Pursuant to Article 18 of the Decree 80/2020/NĐ-CP stipulatingsale of goods of aid amounts in Vietnam as follows:
After completion, the project owner shall conduct the taking-over inspection, appraisal, and take necessary measures to exploit and hand over the achieved results to the project beneficiaries and send the project completion report to the managing agency, Ministry of Planning and Investment, and Ministry of Finance.
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Lê Tấn Phát