What are funding sources to implement the Strategy for Biodiversity until 2030 and vision to 2050 in Vietnam?

What are funding sources for the Strategy for Biodiversity until 2030 and vision to 2050 in Vietnam implementation? What are responsibilities of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in Strategy for Biodiversity until 2030 and vision to 2050 in Vietnam? Looking forward to your information. Thank you!

What are funding sources for the Strategy for Biodiversity until 2030 and vision to 2050 in Vietnam implementation?

Pursuant to Section V, Article 1 of the Decision 149/QĐ-TTg in 2022 stipulating funding sources as follows: 

Funding sources for the Strategy implementation consists of:

1. State budget capital.

2. Part of the funding for the national target programs, other programs, plans, and plans.

3. Loan capital from domestic and foreign financial institutions.

4. Funding collected from forest environment services and rent of forest environment, environment services relating to biodiversity, payment for ecosystem services.

5. Investment, contribution, financing, and assistance of organizations and individuals.

6. Other funding sources according to regulations and law.

What are responsibilities of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in Strategy for Biodiversity until 2030 and vision to 2050 in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Point 1.a, Subsection 1, Section VI, Article 1 of the Decision 149/QĐ-TTg in 2022 stipulating as follows:

a) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall

- Take charge and cooperate with ministries and provincial governments in organizing the implementation of the Strategy; develop and request competent authorities to approve and effectively organize a number of assigned programs, schemes and projects.

- Develop and organize the implementation of the Program on communicating and raising awareness on biodiversity; guiding the development of action plans and communication programs, raising awareness on biodiversity on a provincial level; inspect the implementation of the Strategy; organize a preliminary review of the Strategy implementation in 2025 and a conclusion in 2030.

- Develop and guide the application of management standards for sanctuaries and natural heritage sites and implement a program for evaluating management effectiveness.

- Establishing Partnership forums between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and organizations on biodiversity and ecosystem services to share information, create opportunities for cooperation and cooperate in improving efficiency of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

Best regards!

Lê Tấn Phát

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