What are the responsibilities of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in transporting dangerous goods by inland waterways in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, what are the responsibilities of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in transporting dangerous goods by inland waterways? In Vietnam, what are the responsibilities of people’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities in transporting dangerous goods by inland waterways? 

In Vietnam, what are the responsibilities of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in transporting dangerous goods by inland waterways?

Pursuant to Article 26 of Decree 42/2020/ND-CP stipulating the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in transporting dangerous goods by inland waterways:

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall:

1. Take charge and cooperate with relevant ministries in promulgation of regulations on locations and procedures for cleaning of vehicles after transport of dangerous goods and cleaning procedures after dangerous goods are transported out of warehouses and yards.

2. Cooperate with relevant ministries in management, inspection and handling of violations concerning transport of dangerous goods intra vires.

In Vietnam, what are the responsibilities of people’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities in transporting dangerous goods by inland waterways? 

Pursuant to Article 27 of Decree 42/2020/ND-CP stipulating people’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities in transporting dangerous goods by inland waterways:

People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities shall:

1. Cooperate with relevant ministries in management, inspection and handling of violations concerning transport of dangerous goods intra vires.

2. Direct district- and commune-level People’s Committees to perform the following tasks in case dangerous goods incidents take place within their provinces:

a) Assist drivers and escorts (if any) with saving human life, cargo and vehicles;

b) Move victims away from the scene and provide emergency aid for victims;

c) Protect cargo and vehicles to resume transport or store in warehouses or yards or transship following guidelines from competent authorities;

d) Identify the affected area, evacuate people from such area and report to supervisory People's Committees and other relevant regulatory bodies to mobilize handling forces promptly.

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