What are general objectives for the Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation Development by 2030 in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, what are general objectives for the Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation Development by 2030? What are specific objectives for the Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation Development by 2030 in Vietnam? Looking forward to your consultancy. Thank you!

In Vietnam, what are general objectives for the Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation Development by 2030?

Pursuant to Subsection 1, Section II, Article 1 of Decision 569/QD-TTg in 2022 stipulating general objectives as follows:

By 2030, the science, technology and innovation will be firmly developed; become motivation for growth; make a decisive contribution to the development Vietnam into a developing country with modern industry and high middle-income. The science, technology and innovation will contribute to the comprehensive development of culture, society and people, assurance about the national defense - security, environmental protection, sustainable development and improvement of Vietnam's international position and prestige. The potential and level of science, technology and innovation will reach advanced levels in many key sectors; be one of the top countries with high middle-income. The level and capacity for technology and innovation of enterprises will reach over average rate in the world. Some sectors of science and technology will reach international level.

What are specific objectives for the Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation Development by 2030 in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Subsection 2, Section II, Article 1 of Decision 569/QD-TTg in 2022 stipulating general objectives as follows:

a) Improve the contribution of science, technology and innovation to economic growth via scientific research and technological development activities of research institutes and universities, technological innovation; improve capacity for management and organization in enterprises. The contribution of total factor productivity (TFP) to economic growth is above 50%.

b) Science, technology and innovation play an important role in the development of crucial industries, especially the processing and manufacturing industry; contribute to the restructuring of the economy towards modernity and the development of Vietnam into a country with modern industry by 2030; actively, effectively participate and take advantage of trade and opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. By 2030, the proportion of the value of high-tech industrial products in the processing and manufacturing industries will reach at least 45%.

c) Science, technology and innovation significantly contribute to formulation and development of cultural, social and human values; provide scientific evidence for the formulation of the guidelines and policies on the national development; maintain the human development index (HDI) that is above 0.7

d) The Global Innovation Index (GII) has been continuously improved. Vietnam has become one of the top 40 countries in the world.

dd) By 2025, the investment in science and technology is expected to be 1.2% - 1.5% of GDP, in which the total national expenditure on scientific research and technological development is expected to be 0.8% - 1% of GDP and the society's contribution to scientific research and technological development is expected to be 60% - 65%. By 2030, the investment in science and technology is expected to be 1.5% - 2% of GDP, in which the total national expenditure on scientific research and technological development is expected to be 1% - 1.2% of GDP and the contribution of society for scientific research and technological development is expected to be 65% - 70%.

e) By 2025, the number of human resources for scientific research and technological development (full-time conversion) will reach 10 people per ten thousand people and 12 people per ten thousand people (2030). In particular, focus on the development of human resources in the enterprises.

g) The science and technology organization system has been restructured in association with priority given to development of nation, industry and sector toward autonomy, linkage, and approach to international standards. By 2025, there are 25 - 30 science and technology organizations that have been ranked in the region and world. By 2030, there are 40 - 50 science and technology organizations that have been ranked in the region and world.

h) By 2030, the number of enterprises meeting the criteria for science and technology enterprises and the number of innovative start-up companies will double in 2020; the rate of enterprises with innovative activities is expected to be 40% of the total number of enterprises.

i) The number of international publications will increase by an average of 10% per year. The number of patent applications and granted protection titles will increase by an average of 16% - 18%/year. The number of applications for protection of plant varieties will increase by an average of 12% - 14%/year, 10% - 12% of these applications will be filed abroad. The rate of patents that are commercially exploited will reach 8% - 10% of the number of patents granted protection titles. Develop national quality infrastructure (NQI) to meet the requirements for international integration in terms of standards, measurement and quality. Vietnam will belong to the group of 50 leading countries in the world.

Best regards!

Lê Tấn Phát

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