A credit in an undergraduate program is equal to how many hours of study in Vietnam?

A credit in an undergraduate program in Vietnam is equal to how many hours of study? To graduate from college of Vietnam, how many credits do I need? I'm getting ready to start college and was wondering how many hours a college credit is about.


A credit in an undergraduate program in Vietnam is equal to how many hours of study?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 7 of Circular 17/2021/TT-BGDĐT stipulating academic load

1. Academic load of a training program or each component or each unit of study of a training program shall be determined by number of credits.

a) A credit shall be equivalent to 50 hours of study by a learner, including time for class attendance, study with instructions, self-study, research, experiences, examinations and assessments;

b) For in-class teaching activities, a credit requires at least 15 hours of teaching or 30 hours of practical, experimentation and/or discussion, with one class hour equivalent to 50 minutes.

Therefore, a credit shall be equivalent to 50 hours of study.

To graduate from college of Vietnam, how many credits do I need?

Pursuant to Clause 2 of this Article:

Minimum academic load of a training program must comply with requirements of the Vietnamese Qualifications Framework. To be specific:

a) For undergraduate programs: 120 credits and physical education and national defense-security education load per existing regulations;

b) For level-7 specialized training programs: 150 credits and physical education and national defense-security education load per existing regulations; or 30 credits for persons holding a bachelor’s degree in the same academic discipline group;

c) For masters programs: 60 credits for persons holding a bachelor’s degree in the same academic discipline group;

d) For doctoral programs: 90 credits for persons holding a master’s degree, and 120 credits for persons holding a bachelor’s degree in the same academic discipline group.

Thus, for undergraduate programs, learners must finish a minimum of 120 credits. In addition, learners need to complete physical education, national defense-security education.

Best regards!

Thư Viện Pháp Luật

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