If I don't practice for a long time, will my architectural practice certificate be revoked in Vietnam?
In Vietnam, if you don't practice for a long time, will your architectural practice certificate be revoked?
Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 30 of the 2019 Architecture Law, the architectural practice certificate shall be revoked in the following cases:
1. Architecture practicing certificate shall be withdrawn under the following circumstances:
a) The holder has no longer been qualified for issuance and renewal of architecture practicing certificates as provided in Article 28 herein;
b) Application documentation for issuance, reissuance and renewal of architecture practicing certificate is forged;
c) There is none of serious violations against rules of professional conduct for practicing architects;
d) Professional and technical faults arising from rendering of architectural services has led to severe consequences according to conclusions of competent regulatory authorities;
dd) The affected holder is prohibited from practicing or performing activities related to architecture according to the Court’s legitimate judgment or decision.
Thus, according to the above provisions, the fact that you have not practiced architecture for a long time is not in the cases of having your architectural practice certificate revoked. Therefore, you will not have your practicing certificate revoked.
What is the procedure to revoke the architectural practice certificate in Vietnam?
According to Clause 2, Article 28 of Decree 85/2020/ND-CP, the procedures for revocation of architectural practice certificates are as follows:
a) Within 10 days from the date of receiving the inspection and examination conclusion, including the recommendation to revoke the practice certificate, or when detecting or having grounds to determine one of the cases of revocation of the practicing certificate; When only practicing architecture as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 30 of the Law on Architecture, the agency competent to revoke the practicing certificate shall issue a decision on revocation and cancellation of the practicing certificate, and post it on the website. and send information to be integrated on the website of the Ministry of Construction;
b) The agency competent to revoke the practice certificate shall send the decision on revocation of the certificate to the revoked individual and post it on its website; and send information for integration on the website of the Ministry of Construction within 05 days from the date of issuance of the decision;
c) In case of revocation of the practice certificate which is incorrectly recorded due to the practice certificate-issuing agency's fault, the agency competent to revoke the practice certificate shall re-issue the practice certificate within 10 days. days from the date of receipt of the revoked practice certificate.
Best regards!
Phan Hồng Công Minh