What is the deadline to register for new-born babies' birth in Vietnam? What are procedures for birth registration in Vietnam?

What is the deadline for birth registration in Vietnam? What are procedures for birth registration in Vietnam? Hello Lawnet. I'm 64 years old and a grandfather of a 10-day-old baby. After giving birth, the baby's mother made off the house. Until now, my family still hasn't registered the birth for the baby. I would like to know about the deadline and procedures to register the baby's birth. Looking forward to your consultancy. Thank you!

What is the deadline for birth registration in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 15 of the Law on Civil Status in 2014 stipulating birth registration responsibility as follows: 

1. Within 60 days after the birth of their child, the father or mother shall register the child’s birth; if the parents are unable to register their child’s birth, the grandfather or grandmother or another relative or the individual or organization that is nurturing the child shall register his/her birth.

2. Justice and civil status officers shall regularly examine and urge the birth registration for children in their localities within the prescribed time limit; in case of necessity, mobile birth registration may be made.

As regulations above, you have responsibility to register the baby's birth within 60 days after the birth of him/her.

What are procedures for birth registration in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 16 of the Law on Civil Status in 2014 stipulating birth registration procedures in Vietnam as follows:

1. Birth registrants shall submit declarations made according to a set form and birth certification papers to the civil status registration agency. If having no birth certification paper, a document of a witness certifying the birth shall be submitted; if there is no witness, there must be a written pledge of the birth; for birth registration for abandoned children, there must be a written record certifying the child’s abandonment made by a competent agency; for birth registration for children born by surrogate mothers, there must be a document proving the surrogacy as prescribed by law.

2. Immediately after receiving full papers specified in Clause 1 of this Article, if seeing that the birth declaration is complete and proper, justice and civil status officers shall record birth registration contents under Clause 1, Article 14 of this Law in the civil status books and update them in the electronic civil status database and the national population database for getting personal identification numbers.

Justice and civil status officers and birth registrants shall together sign in the civil status books. Chairpersons of commune-level People's Committees shall grant birth certificates to birth registrants.

3. The Government shall stipulate in detail the birth registration for abandoned children and children whose parents have not yet been identified due to surrogacy; and the determination of native places for abandoned children and children with unidentified parents.

Best regards!

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