Directive No. 19/CT-TTg allows a large number of businesses to reopen

25/04/2020 17:28 PM

The Prime Minister has just issued the Directive No. 19 regarding the ongoing implementation of Covid-19 disease prevention and control measures in the new context.

Nguyễn Ân

The Directive commands People’s Committees of cities and provinces to continue to lead the implementation of disease prevention and control measures as follows:

- Trading and service businesses such as wholesalers, retailers, lottery businesses, hotels, lodging establishments, restaurants and food stores, etc. will be allowed to reopen provided that they are committed to taking safety, disease prevention and control measures.

Meanwhile, non-essential service businesses (e.g. game and entertainment centers, beauty salons, karaoke rooms, massage establishments, bars and nightclubs, etc.) and several other businesses will remain closed under decisions of People's Committees of cities and provinces.
- Crowded festive or public events, religious rites or sports events will remain under temporary closure;

- Plants, workshops and factories will be running as usual, and will be obliged to apply disease prevention and control measures to their workers and employees.

- The number of pupils in a classroom must be reduced to ensure safe space between them; the measure to set the alternate time for pupils to study in class, have lunch or join other collective activities within educational institutions must be applied.

For more details, please read the Directive No. 19/CT-TTg issued on April 24, 2020.


Đây là nội dung tóm tắt, thông báo văn bản mới dành cho khách hàng của THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT. Nếu quý khách còn vướng mắc vui lòng gửi về Email [email protected].

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Địa chỉ: 17 Nguyễn Gia Thiều, P. Võ Thị Sáu, Q.3, TP.HCM
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