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Số hiệu: 169/1999/QĐ-TTg Loại văn bản: Quyết định
Nơi ban hành: Thủ tướng Chính phủ Người ký: Phan Văn Khải
Ngày ban hành: 19/08/1999 Ngày hiệu lực: Đã biết
Ngày công báo: Đã biết Số công báo: Đã biết
Tình trạng: Đã biết


Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc

Số: 169/1999/QĐ-TTg

Hà Nội, ngày 19 tháng 8 năm 1999





Căn cứ Luật Tổ chức Chính phủ ngày 30 tháng 9 năm 1992;
Căn cứ Pháp lệnh về ký kết và thực hiện Điều ước quốc tế ngày 20 tháng 8 năm 1998;
Để triển khai thực hiện cam kết của Việt Nam với các nước ASEAN, tại Hội nghị cấp cao ASEAN lần thứ VI, tháng 12 năm 1998, tại Hà Nội;
Theo đề nghị của Bộ trưởng Bộ Ngoại giao tại công văn số 545-CV/NG-ASEAN ngày 20/4/1999 và của Bộ trưởng, Chủ nhiệm Văn phòng Chính phủ, ngày 17 tháng 8 năm 1999,


Điều 1. Phê duyệt Danh mục công việc và Bảng phân công các cơ quan đầu mối tổng hợp điều phối chung, cơ quan chủ trì, cơ quan phối hợp (kèm theo) chịu trách nhiệm nghiên cứu, triển khai thực hiện các kế hoạch, chương trình, dự án hợp tác ASEAN, được ghi trong Văn kiện Chương trình Hành động Hà nội (dưới đây gọi tắt là HPA), tháng 12/1998.

Điều 2. Căn cứ Danh mục công việc và Bảng phân công công tác kèm theo Quyết định này : Cơ quan đầu mối tổng hợp điều phối chung có nhiệm vụ xây dựng kế hoạch, chương trình công tác, thời gian thực hiện HPA; chủ trì các cuộc họp liên ngành; điều hoà các hoạt động nghiên cứu, triển khai, thực hiện HPA của cơ quan chủ trì và cơ quan phối hợp; tổng hợp tình hình thực hiện HPA của các cơ quan trên; chuẩn bị các báo cáo định kỳ (hàng quý, hàng năm) về tình hình, kết quả thực hiện HPA của Việt Nam trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ; điều phối việc thực hiện HPA của Việt Nam với ASEAN.

- Cơ quan chủ trì có nhiệm vụ chủ trì công tác nghiên cứu; tổ chức thực hiện cụ thể công việc được phân công; cùng với cơ quan đầu mối tổng hợp điều phối chung điều hoà hoạt động hợp tác với ASEAN và định kỳ (hàng tháng) gửi báo cáo tình hình triển khai thực hiện HPA do cơ quan mình chủ trì về cơ quan đầu mối tổng hợp điều phối chung.

- Cơ quan phối hợp có trách nhiệm tham gia các công tác nghiên cứu, triển khai thực hiện HPA với cơ quan chủ trì và cơ quan đầu mối tổng hợp điều phối chung; đóng góp ý kiến về xây dựng các chương trình, kế hoạch, dự án hợp tác ASEAN; tham dự các cuộc họp bàn về tổ chức triển khai, thực hiện HPA.

- Văn Phòng Chính phủ có trách nhiệm tổng hợp tình hình hoạt động của các cơ quan (cơ quan đầu mối tổng hợp điều phối chung, cơ quan chủ trì, cơ quan phối hợp); giúp Thủ tướng Chính phủ theo dõi, đôn đốc và kiểm tra việc thực hiện Chương trình Hành động Hà Nội.

Điều 3. Quyết định này có hiệu lực kể từ ngày ký.

Điều 4. Các Bộ trưởng, Thủ trưởng cơ quan ngang Bộ, Thủ trưởng cơ quan thuộc Chính phủ; Chủ tịch ủy ban nhân dân các tỉnh, thành phố trực thuộc Trung ương chịu trách nhiệm thi hành Quyết định này.


Phan Văn Khải

(Đã ký)



Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 169/1999/QD-TTg

Hanoi, August 19, 1999





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of September 30, 1992;
Pursuant to the Ordinance on the Conclusion and Enforcement of International Agreements of August 20, 1998;
To fulfill Vietnams commitments to ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries at the VIth ASEAN Summit held in December 1998 in Hanoi;
At the proposals of the Minister for Foreign Affairs in Official Dispatch No.545-CV/NG-ASEAN of April 20, 1999 and of the Minister-Director of the Governments Office of August 17, 1999,


Article 1.- To ratify the list of jobs and the table of assignment of responsibilities (attached hereto) for the general synthesis and coordination agencies, the sponsoring agencies and the coordinating agencies to study and organize the implementation of the ASEAN cooperation plans, programs and projects, stated in the Hanoi Plan of Action (hereunder referred to as HPA for short) of December 1998.

Article 2.- Basing themselves on the list of jobs and the table of assignment of responsibilities attached to this Decision, the general synthesis and coordination agencies shall have to elaborate working plans and programs and estimate duration for the implementation of HPA; preside over the inter-branch meetings; regulate the HPA study, development and implementation activities of the sponsoring agencies and coordinating agencies; sum up the situation of the HPA implementation by the above-said agencies; prepare periodical (quarterly and annual) reports on the situation and results of the HPA implementation by Vietnam and submit them to the Prime Minister; and coordinate the HPA implementation by Vietnam and the ASEAN countries.

- The sponsoring agencies shall assume the prime responsibility in studying and organizing performance of the assigned jobs; joining the general synthesis and coordination agencies in regulating cooperative activities with the ASEAN countries and submitting periodical (monthly) reports on the implementation of HPA over which they have sponsored, to the general synthesis and coordination agencies.




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- The Governments Office shall have to sum up the situation on the operations of the above-said agencies (the general synthesis and coordination agencies, the sponsoring agencies and the coordinating agencies); and assist the Prime Minister in monitoring, urging and inspecting the implementation of HPA.

Article 3.- This Decision takes effect after its signing.

Article 4.- The ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies, the heads of the agencies attached to the Government and the presidents of the Peoples Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities shall have to implement this Decision.




Phan Van Khai


(Issued together with the Prime Ministers Decision No. 169/1999/QD-TTg of August 19, 1999)





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1.1. Maintain macroeconomic and financial stability The Finance Ministry

1.1.1. Strengthen the ASEAN Surveillance Process The Finance Ministry The State Bank, the State Securities Commission, the General Department of Statistics, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Trade, the General Department of Customs

1.1.2. Structure orderly capital account The State Bank The Finance Ministry, liberalization the State Securities Commission, the Ministry of Planning and Investment

1.2. Strengthen financial system

1.2.1. Adopt and implement sound international The Finance Ministry The State Bank, the State financial practices and standards, where Securities Commission, appropriate by 2003 the Ministry of Planning and Investment

1.2.2. Coordinate in supervision and efforts The State Bank The Finance Ministry, to strengthen financial systems the State Securities Commission, the Ministry of Planning and Investment

1.2.3. Develop deep financial markets to enable The State Bank The State Securities governments and private firms to raise Commission, the Finance long-term financing in local currency, Ministry, the Ministry of thereby reducing the over dependence Planning and Investment on bank finance and limiting the risks of financial crisis

1.2.4. Adopt and implement existing standards The State Bank The Finance Ministry, of disclosure and dissemination of the State Securities Com-economic and financial information mission, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the General Department of Statistics, the General Department of Customs, the Ministry of Trade

1.2.5. Adopt prudential measures to mitigate The State Bank The Finance Ministry, the effects of sudden shifts in short-term the State Securities capital flows Commission, the Ministry of Planning and Investment




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1.3.1. Intensify deregulation of the financial The Finance Ministry The Ministry of Planning services sector and Investment, the State Bank, the State Securities Commission

1.3.2. Intensify negotiations on financial sector The Finance Ministry The Ministry of Planning liberalization under the ASEAN Frame- and Investment, the State work Agreement on Services (AFAS) Bank, the State Securities Commission

1.4 Intensify cooperation in money, tax and insurance matters

1.4.1. Study the feasibility of establishing an The State Bank The Finance Ministry, ASEAN currency and exchange rate system the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Planning
and Investment

1.4.2. Establish an ASEAN Tax Training Institute The Finance Ministry by 2003

1.4.3. Enhance the role of "ASEAN Re- The Finance Ministry Corporation Limited"

1.4.4. Establish an ASEAN Insurance Training The Finance Ministry and Research Institute by 2003

1.5. Develop ASEAN capital markets

1.5.1 Adopt and implement internationally The State Securities The Finance Ministry, accepted practices and standards by the Commission the State Bank year 2003, and where appropriate at a later date, especially for the new member countries




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1.5.3. Coordinate supervision of and programs to The State Bank The Finance Ministry, strengthen capital markets the State Bank

1.5.4. Improve corporate governance, The State Securities The Finance Ministry, transparency and disclosure of financial Commission the State Bank information by member companies of the capital market

1.5.5. Develop a mechanism for cross-listing of The State Securities The Finance Ministry, medium and small enterprises (SMEs) Commission the State Bank among ASEAN capital markets by 2003, and where appropriate at a later date for the new member countries

1.5.6. Facilitating the process of capital flow and The State Bank The Ministry of Planning cross-border investment and Investment, the Finance Ministry, the State Securities Commission

1.5.7. Facilitate the clearing and settlement The State Bank The State Securities systems within ASEAN Commission, the Ministry of Finance

1.5.8. Promote securitisation The State Securities The Finance Ministry, Commission the State Bank

1.5.9. Foster collaborative and cooperative The State Securities The Finance Ministry, networks among capital market research Commission the State Bank and training centers in member countries

1.5.10. Preparing the framework to develop bond The State Securities The Finance Ministry,markets in ASEAN by 2003 Commission the State Bank, the Ministry of Planning and Investment

1.5.11. Promote networking among development The State Bank The State Securities banks in the member states for financing Commission  of productive projects




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II. Enhance greater economic integration

2.1. Accelerate the implementation of the The Ministry of Trade The Finance Ministry, ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) the General Department of Customs

2.1.1. Trade liberalization The Ministry of Trade The Finance Ministry, the General Department of Customs, the Ministry of Planning and Investment

2.1.2. Customs harmonization The General Depart- The Finance Ministry, ment of Customs the Trade Ministry

2.1.3. Standardization and conformity assessment The Ministry of The concerned ministries Science, Technology and branches and Environment (the General Department of Standardization, Metrology and Quality)

2.1.4. Other trade facilitation activities The Ministry of The Finance Ministry, Planning and the Trade Ministry, the Investment, the Construction Ministry, General Department the State Bank, the General of Customs Department of Customs

2.2. Implement the Framework Agreement The Ministry of The Ministry of Industry, on the ASEAN Investment Area (AIA) Planning and the Ministry of Labor, War Investment Invalids and Social Affairs, the State Bank, the Finance Ministry

2.3. Liberalize trade in services The Ministry of The concerned ministries Planning and and branches Investment

2.3.1. Liberalization The Ministry of The Ministry of Science, Planning and Technology and Investment Environment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice, the General Department of Post and Telecommunications, the General Department of Tourism, the Ministry of Communications and Transport, Vietnam Civil Aviation Department and the General Department of Customs




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2.3.3. Cooperation The Ministry of The Ministry of Trade Planning and Investment

2.4. Enhance food security and global competitiveness of ASEANs food agriculture and forestry products

2.4.1. Strengthen food security arrangements The Ministry of in the region Agriculture and Rural Development

2.4.2. Develop and adopt existing and new The Ministry of technologies Agriculture and Rural Development

2.4.3. Enhance the marketability of ASEAN The Ministry of The Ministry of Science, food, agriculture and forestry products/ Agriculture and Rural Technology and commodities Development Environment (the General Department of Standardization, Metrology and Quality)

2.4.4. Enhance private sector involvement The Ministry of The Ministry of Planning Agriculture and Rural and Investment

2.4.5. Enhance ASEAN cooperation and joint The Ministry of The Ministry of Trade approaches in international and regional Agriculture and Rural issues Development

2.4.6. Promote capacity building and human The Ministry of The Ministry of Education resources development Agriculture and Rural and Training Development

2.5. Intensify the ASEAN Industrial The Ministry of The Finance Ministry, Cooperation (AICO) Industry the concerned ministries and branches




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2.6.1. Facilitation The Ministry of The Ministry of Trade, the Planning and Finance Ministry, the State Investment Bank

2.6.2. Cooperation The Ministry of The Central Council of Planning and the Vietnam Union of Investment Cooperatives, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the State Securities Commission

2.7. Further intellectual property cooperation

2.7.1. Protection The Ministry of The Ministry of Culture Science, Technology and Information, the and Environment Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Trade, the General Department of Customs

2.7.2. Facilitation The Ministry of The Ministry of Culture Science, Technology and Information, the and Environment Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Trade, the General Department of Customs

2.7.3. Cooperation The Ministry of The Ministry of Culture Science, Technology and Information, the and Environment Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Education and Training

2.8. Encourage electronic commerce The Ministry of The General Department Trade, the General of Customs, the State Bank, Department of the Ministry of JusticePost and Telecommunications

2.9. Promote ASEAN tourism The General Vietnam Civil Aviation Department of Department, the Ministry Tourism of Public Security, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the General Department of Customs

2.9.1. Launch the "Visit ASEAN Millennium The General Year" as the catalyst focus for the first plan Department of of action Tourism




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2.9.3. Develop a Website/Information database The General The General Department on relevant tourism statistical data and Department of of Statistics, the Ministry other related information within the ASEAN Tourism of Planning and Investment Secretariat by the beginning of the year 2000

2.9.4. Establish a network among ASEAN tourism The General The General Department of training centers with emphasis on new job Department of Statistics, the Ministry of skills and new technologies by 2001 Tourism Planning and Investment in tourism policy and planning

2.9.5. Develop trainers and teaching material The General The Ministry of Education database for ASEAN to be completed Department of and Training, the General by 2001 Tourism Department of Statistics

2.9.6. Carrying out the ecological tourism The General The Ministry of Science, promotion programs for the tourist branch Department of Technology and and the customers Tourism Environment

2.9.7. Complete cruise tourism development The General The Ministry of study in ASEAN by the year 2000 Department of Communications and Tourism Transport, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Defense

2.9.8. Encourage the establishment of the The Ministry of Public The General Department ASEAN lane for facilitating the intra- Security of Tourism, the Ministry ASEAN travel of Defense

2.9.9. Increase the use of the Internet or other The General The General Department electronic global distribution systems Department of of Post and Tourism Telecommunications, the Ministry of Public Security

2.9.10. Launch the ASEAN tourism investment The General The Ministry of Planning guide in 1999 Department of and Investment, the Tourism Finance Ministry

2.10. Develop regional infrastructure




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2.10.2. Telecommunications The General The Ministry of Planning Department of Post and and Investment, the Telecommunications Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, the Ministry of Public Security

2.10.3 Energy The Ministry of Industry

2.10.4. Water utility The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

2.11. Further development of growth areas The Ministry of The Ministry of Industry, Planning and the Ministry of AgricultureInvestment and Rural Development, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Trade


IV. Promote social development and address the social impacts of the regional financial crisis

4.1. Strive to mitigate the social impacts of The Ministry of The Ministry of Labor, the regional financial and economic crisis Planning and War Invalids and Social Investment Affairs

4.2. Implement the plan of action on ASEAN The Ministry of The Ministry of Labor, rural development, hunger elimination and Agriculture and Rural War Invalids and Social poverty alleviation, and in view of the Development Affairs, the Ministry regional financial and economic crisis, of Planning and implement the ASEAN plan of action Investment on social safety nets

4.3. Use the ASEAN FOUNDATION to support The Ministry for The Ministry of Labor, activities and social development programs, Foreign Affairs War Invalids and Social aimed at addressing issues of unequal Affairs, the Ministry economic development, hunger and poverty of Planning and and socio-economic disparities Investment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development




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4.5. Strengthen ASEAN collaboration in The Ministry of The National Committee combating the trafficking in, and crimes of Public Security for Women’s Advancement, violence against, women and children the Vietnam Committee for Child Protection and Care, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Minis-try of Justice, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Vietnam Womens Union

4.6. Raising the capacity of the family and The Ministry of Labor, The Ministry of Health community to care for the elderly and War Invalids and the disabled Social Affairs

4.7 Strengthen the ASEAN Regional AIDS The Ministry of Health The Ministry of Labor, information and reference network War Invalids and Social Affairs, the National Anti-HIV/AIDS Committee

4.8. The Ministry for The concerned Foreign Affairs ministries and branches

4.9. Work towards the full implementation of The Vietnam The Ministry for Foreign the Convention on the Rights of the Child Committee for Child Affairs, the Ministry of and the Convention on the Elimination of Protection and Care, Education and Training All Forms of Discrimination against the National Committee Women and other international legal for Womens instruments concerning women and children Advancement

4.10. Strength regional capacity to address The Ministry of Public The General Department transnational crime Security of Customs, the Ministry of Defense

4.11. Implement the ASEAN work program to The National Committee The Ministry of Labor, operationalize the ASEAN plan of action for Drug Prevention and War Invalids and Social on drug abuse control by 2004; and Combat (The Ministry Affairs, the Ministry of continue developing and implementing of Public Security) Health, the Ministry of high-profile flagship programs on drug Education and Training, abuse control, particularly those related to the Central Executive prevention education for youth, and Committee of the Ho treatment and rehabilitation Chi Minh Communist Youth Union


III. Promote science and technology The Ministry of Science, The National Center for development and develop information Technology and Natural Sciences and technology infrastructure Environment Technologies, the Ministry  of Industry, the General Department of Post and Telecommunications, the Ministry of Culture and Information (The Copyright Department)




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5.1. Strengthen the ASEAN University Network The Ministry of The Government and move forward the process of Education and Training Commission for transforming it into the ASEAN University Organization and Personnel

5.2. Strengthen the education systems in member The Ministry of The Ministry of countries by 2001 so that all groups of Education and Training people, including the disadvantaged, can have equal access to education

5.3. Implement the ASEAN work program on The Ministry of Labor, The Ministry of Planning informal sector development to provide War Invalids and Social and Investment opportunities for self-employment and Affairs enterpreneurship

5.4. Implement the ASEAN work program on The Central Committee The Ministry of Education skills training for out-of-school youth by of the Ho Chi Minh and Training, the Ministry 2004, to strengthen their capacity to Communist Youth of Labor, War Invalids obtain gainful employment Union and Social Affairs

5.5. Strengthen regional networking of Human The General Department The Ministry of Education Resource Development (HRD) centers of of Job Training, the and Training excellence and develop the regional Ministry of Labor, War capacity for HRD planning and labor Invalids and Social market monitoring Affaors

5.6. Establish and strengthen networks in The Ministry of The Ministry of Labor, education and training, particularly those Education and Training War Invalids and Social promoting occupational safety and health, Affairs, the Ministry of skills training for out-of-school youth and Health distance education by 2004

5.7. Intensify efforts of the ASEAN network for The Ministry for The Ministry of Education women in skills training to enhance the Foreign Affairs and Training, the National capacity of disadvantaged women to enter Committee for Womens the work force Advancement

5.8. Begin to implement the ASEAN science The Ministry of Science, The Ministry of Education and technology human resource program Technology and and Training, the Ministry addressing the needs of industries and Environment of Labor, War Invalids businesses by 2000 and Social Affairs

5.9. Implement regional training programs for The Government ASEAN civil service officers and Commission for strengthen networks among ASEAN Civil Organization and Service Commissions Personnel




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VI. Protect the environment and promote The Ministry of Science, The Ministry of sustainable development Technology and Agriculture and Rural Environment Development, the Ministry of Culture and Information, the National Center for Natural Sciences and Technologies, the General Department of Hydro-Meteorology

VII. Strengthen regional peace and security

7.1. Consolidate and strengthen ASEANs The Ministry for The Ministry of Defense solidarity, cohesiveness and harmony by Foreign Affairs strengthening national and regional resilience through enhanced cooperation and mutual assistance to further promote Southeast Asia as a zone of peace, freedom and neutrality

7.2. Promote the coherent and comprehensive The Ministry for The Ministry of Defense programs of bilateral and regional Foreign Affairs cooperation and technical assistance in ASEAN member states to strengthen their integration into the community of Southeast Asian nations

7.3. Ratify the second protocol of the Treaty The Ministry for The Ministry of Defense of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Foreign Affairs Asia (TAC) as soon as possible

7.4. Encourage and facilitate the accession by The Ministry for The Ministry of Defense ASEANs dialogue partners and other Foreign Affairs interested countries to TAC with a view to developing the TAC into a code of conduct governing relations between Southeast Asian states and those (outside) the region

7.5. Formulate draft rules of procedure for the The Ministry for The Ministry of Justice operations of the high council as envisioned Foreign Affairs in TAC

7.6. Encourage greater efforts towards the The Ministry for The Government resolution of outstanding problems of Foreign Affairs Continental Shelf boundaries delimitation between ASEAN Commission, the Ministry member states of Defense

7.7. Ensure border security and facilitate safe The Ministry of Public The Ministry for Foreign and convenient border crossings Security Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Government Continental Shelf Commission




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7.9. Promote efforts to secure acceptance by The Ministry for The Ministry of Defense nuclear-weapon states of the Treaty on Foreign Affairs Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ), including their early accession to the protocol to the SEANWFZ

7.10 Convene the Commission for SEANWFZ The Ministry for The Ministry of Defense Treaty to oversee the implementation of the Foreign Affairs Treaty and ensure the compliance with its provisions

7.11. Support and participate actively in all The Ministry for The Ministry of Defense, efforts to achieve the objectives of general Foreign Affairs The Government and complete disarmament, especially the Continental Shelf non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and Commission other weapons of mass destruction

7.12. Encourage ASEAN member countries The Ministry for The Ministry of Defense parties to a dispute to engage in friendly Foreign Affairs negotiation and use the bilateral and regional processes of peaceful settlement of dispute or other procedures provided for in the United Nations Charter

7.13. Enhance efforts to settle disputes in the The Ministry for The Ministry of Defense, East Sea through peaceful means among Foreign Affairs the State Steering  the parties concerned in accordance with Committee for the East the universally recognized international Sea and Islands law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea

7.14. Continue efforts to promote confidence- The Ministry for The State Steering building measures in the East Sea between Foreign Affairs Committee for the East and among parties concerned Sea and Islands, the Ministry of Defense

7.15. Encourage all other parties concerned to The Ministry for subscribe to the ASEAN Declaration Foreign Affairs on the East Sea

7.16. Promote efforts to establish a regional The Ministry for The Ministry of Defensecode of conduct in the East Sea among the Foreign Affairs parties directly concerned

7.17. Intensify intra-ASEAN security cooperation The Ministry for The Ministry of Defense through existing mechanisms among foreign Foreign Affairs the Ministry of Public affairs and defense officials Security




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8.1. Maintain ASEANs chairmanship in the The Ministry for ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) process Foreign Affairs

8.2. Undertake, actively and energetically,   The Ministry for The Ministry of Defense measures to strengthen ASEANs role as Foreign Affairs the primary driving force in the ARF, including directing the ASEAN Secretary- General to provide the necessary support and services to the ASEAN Standing Committee (ASC) Chairman in coordinating ARF activities

8.3. Formulate initiatives to advance, on a The Ministry for The Ministry of Defense consensus basis and at a pace comfortable Foreign Affairs to all, the ARF process from its current emphasis on confidence-building to promoting preventive diplomacy.

8.4. Promote public awareness of the ARF The Ministry for The Ministry of Defenseprocess and the need for ASEANs role as Foreign Affairs the primary driving force in respective ASEAN member countries

8.5. Continue the involvement of ASEAN The Ministry of Defense, The Ministry for defense and security officials together with the Ministry of Public Foreign Affairs foreign affairs officials in ARF activities Security

8.6. Develop a set of basic principles based on The Ministry for TAC as an instrument for promoting Foreign Affairs cooperative peace in the Asia-Pacific region

8.7. Enhance consultation and coordination of The Ministry for ASEAN positions at the United Nations Foreign Affairs and other international forums

8.8. Revitalize ASEANs relations with dialogue The Ministry for partners on the basis of equality, non- Foreign Affairs discrimination and mutual benefit

IX. Promote ASEAN awareness and its standing in the international community




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9.2. Launch a concerted communications The Ministry of Culture The Vietnam Television program to promote ASEANs standing in and Information Station, the Radio Voice the international community and strengthen of Vietnam, other confidence in ASEAN as an ideal place for information agencies investment, trade and tourism

9.3. Establish and operate an ASEAN satellite The Ministry of Culture channel by the year 2000 and Information, the General Department of Post and Telecommunications, the concerned agencies

9.4. Provide and disseminate materials on The Ministry of Culture The Finance Ministry, ASEANs efforts to cope with the financial and Information the Ministry of Planning and economic crisis and Investment, the State Bank

9.5. Publicize ASEANs HPA priorities through The Ministry for ASEANs external mechanisms with its Foreign Affairs dialogue partners

9.6. Develop linkages with mass media networks The Ministry of Culture The Ministry for Foreign and websites on key areas of ASEAN and Information Affairs, the Governments cooperation to disseminate regular and Office, the concerned timely information on ASEAN agencies

9.7. Prepare and adopt an ASEAN Declaration The Ministry of Culture on Cultural Heritage by the year 2000 and Information

9.8. Mount professional productions of ASEAN The Ministry of Culture performances and exhibitions within and and Information outside ASEAN and provide adequate mass media coverage on such activities

9.9. Organize art and cultural immersion camps The Central Committee The General Department and exchange programs for the youth and of the Ho Chi Minh of Tourism encourage their travel to other ASEAN Communist Youth member countries Union, the Ministry of Culture and Information

9.10. Establish an ASEAN Multi-Media Center The Ministry of Culture The Ministry of Science, by the year 2001 to conduct professional and Information Technology and training programs and provide production Environment facilities and services for mass media and communication practitioners




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10.1. Review ASEANs overall organizational The Ministry for structure in order to further improve its Foreign Affairs efficiency and effectiveness, taking into account the expansion of ASEAN activities, the enlargement of ASEAN membership and the regional situation.

10.2. Review and streamline ASEAN external The Ministry for relations mechanisms with its dialogue Foreign Affairs partners, regional organizations and other economic groupings

10.3. Review the role, functions and capacity The Ministry for of the ASEAN Secretariat to meet the Foreign Affairsincreasing demands of ASEAN and to support the implementation of the Hanoi Plan of Action

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Vì chưa Đăng Nhập nên Bạn chỉ xem được Thuộc tính của văn bản.
Bạn chưa xem được Hiệu lực của Văn bản, Văn bản liên quan, Văn bản thay thế, Văn bản gốc, Văn bản tiếng Anh,...

Nếu chưa là Thành Viên, mời Bạn Đăng ký Thành viên tại đây

Bạn Chưa Đăng Nhập Thành Viên!

Vì chưa Đăng Nhập nên Bạn chỉ xem được Thuộc tính của văn bản.
Bạn chưa xem được Hiệu lực của Văn bản, Văn bản liên quan, Văn bản thay thế, Văn bản gốc, Văn bản tiếng Anh,...

Nếu chưa là Thành Viên, mời Bạn Đăng ký Thành viên tại đây

Bạn Chưa Đăng Nhập Thành Viên!

Vì chưa Đăng Nhập nên Bạn chỉ xem được Thuộc tính của văn bản.
Bạn chưa xem được Hiệu lực của Văn bản, Văn bản liên quan, Văn bản thay thế, Văn bản gốc, Văn bản tiếng Anh,...

Nếu chưa là Thành Viên, mời Bạn Đăng ký Thành viên tại đây

Quyết định 169/1999/QĐ-TTg ngày 19/08/1999 phê duyệt danh mục công việc và bảng phân công triển khai, thực hiện Chương trình hành động Hà Nội, trong khuôn khổ hợp tác ASEAN do Thủ tướng Chính phủ ban hành

Bạn Chưa Đăng Nhập Thành Viên!

Vì chưa Đăng Nhập nên Bạn chỉ xem được Thuộc tính của văn bản.
Bạn chưa xem được Hiệu lực của Văn bản, Văn bản liên quan, Văn bản thay thế, Văn bản gốc, Văn bản tiếng Anh,...

Nếu chưa là Thành Viên, mời Bạn Đăng ký Thành viên tại đây


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